Friday, 20 April 2007

Poland, Europe and God's Sovereignty

The first week of May I will be in Poland as guest speaker at the church retreat for the Calvary Chapel in Radom, Poland. I am excited to be able to go, as God has placed Poland on my heart in the past months. I don't know why - I have no connections to Poland really, don't know any Polish people, in fact have never been there myself - but I can't seem to get Poland out of my mind and heart. So now I have an opportunity to visit Poland and see what God wants to show me!

I will travel also to northern Poland to visit a missionary - we were in Bible College together back in 1995 (how time flies!!). He and his wife are praying about starting a home fellowship there.

In June I am again invited to teach at another church retreat - this time for a young Calvary Chapel from central Germany. And after summer I will teach at the combined church retreat for CC Heidelberg, CC Gruenstadt and another church. I am really excited to be able to meet brothers and sisters all over Europe - what a blessing!

And what an adventure we are on serving the Lord! It just occurred to me how sovereign God is! Back in my University days I had planned on taking a long bike trip through Europe to visit the different countries and see the sights. After months of planning, organizing, research, ticket-buying, etc it ended up never coming together. I was so bummed back then.

But after starting a new life with Jesus, I have the privilege to LIVE in Europe! And in the 10 years I have lived here, I have been to Germany, France, Switzerland, Luxemburg, Italy, Austria, Slovenia, Hungary, Romania, Russia, Ukraine, Spain/Mallorca, and soon Poland! Doesn't God have a great sense of humor!?