Saturday, 5 January 2008


Wii (pun intended) got our first experience with the new Wii gaming system this week, and I would have to say that it's pretty addicting! Wii (intended again) visited the Nielsens who just got the system over Christmas and enjoyed a couple nights of Wii-ing. I am not normally into video games, but this is totally different and interesting. And it's social - something that I dislike about most video games (not all) is that it tends to alienate people from one another. But at least with the Wii it was a whole family experience. The older kids enjoyed playing baseball while Becks bowled with Linda and Fiona. Even Zachie got in on the action - I helped him bat a few innings of baseball. And I got to work out my frustrations (j/k) with a few rounds of boxing! Check out the Photos of Phamily Phun while Wii-ing.


Anonymous said...

We miss you guys :). Good to see you are having fun!!! :)

Simi and Dave

Starrs In Denver said...

Wish Wii could join in on the fun! Great pics :)