Tuesday, 21 July 2009

Rolling Trusses and Rolling Thunder

While we were visiting Becks' family in Oklahoma, I got the chance to help her dad do a room addition to their house. It was a pretty good size room - almost 500 sq. ft. It was fun - this was the first time I did trusses so it was good to learn from a couple experienced guys how to stand/roll trusses.

And all this in some pretty intense weather - there were days when it was about 103 F, in the shade. Add the humidty and the heat index went up to 110 F. On top of that, working on the roof, in direct sunlight, with the sheet metal roof reflecting everything back in your face, it was probably close to 115-120 F! I could only work until about 11.00-12.00 before it got way to hot and humid. And of course, it being thundersttorm season in Oklahoma, we had to come inside whenever it stormed. Which then made it even more humid afterwards!

Anyways, it was fun, and challenging, especially crawling around on the trusses and slats 18 ft up above the ground (almost 2 stories high!). Doesn't sound very high until you're up there looking down! Here are a few pics...