Thursday, 20 October 2011

Open Doors...

It's been a month now since I updated you all on the whole kidney donation process, so here goes.  As you remember, back in September, I had the supposedly last meeting with the renal doctor and he outlined the 3 options that were available - yes, no, later.  And he said that he would talk t the surgical team and get back to me as to what they are willing to do.  If they say no to the kidney donation surgery (because of the risk of potential future heart surgery for me) then everything stops immediately.  But if they are willing to go ahead with the donation, then we can pick up the process where we left off back in July.  In any case, during this time, Becks and I prayed and talked and came to the conclusion that we are willing to go ahead with the donation.

Basically we had made the decision a long time ago, at the beginning of the whole donation process.  And the way we see it is that this decision hasn't changed - the heart defect only adds another dimension to the picture.  We had agreed to go forward as long as God keeps the doors open. We understand the potential risk of future heart surgery for me, but we also see that it is an uncertainty - it could be that I never need heart surgery.  And even if I did, it is very likely that I can make it through heart surgery with one kidney.  In any case, we don't want to live our lives so focused on the future that we are missing out on opportunities that God has for us today.  We want to live God-honoring lives today, trusting that He has our futures in His sovereign and caring hands. So I wrote an email to the surgical team, explaining this and basically sharing the Gospel with them (can't help it!).  I shared from Rom 8.28 and told them that we believe God does use ALL THINGS for good for those who are the called according to His purpose and who love Him.  That it applies now in the current situation and also in any future situations / complications.  Ultimately we trust God.

Well, this past Friday, I got an email from the renal doctor and he said that his team is willing to go ahead with the donation surgery!  That came as a total surprise to me, basically to us all!  We didn't think they would say yes.  But they said that my email showed them a few things, especially that we had prayed and understood all the options and made an informed decision.  So as long as God keeps this door open, we will continue to trust Him and walk through it!

That means we now pick up where we left off, assuming there are no other complications - for me or the recipient. ;-)  Next up is finding a surgery date - most likely some time in the new year - the end of January or beginning of February 2012.  And of course, I go through one last check-up and cross-match.  It was during that last check-up last time that they found the heart defect - so hopefully this time around I will get a clean bill of health!  So please continue to pray for us all!


Bea said...

Hi David, danke für die Mitteilung. Ich finde es sehr mutig, dass Du und Becky Euch entschieden habt, trotz des Befundes mit dem heart defect Deine Niere zu spenden und im Gebet zu dieser Entscheidung gefunden habt. Es ist gut, auf Jesus in jedem Fall zu vertrauen und von Ihm zu erwarten, dass Er es fuer Euch alle zum Guten fuehrt und auch Deinen heart defect heilen kann.
Ich wuensche Euch von Herzen alles Gute und dass die naechste Untersuchung zeigt, dass Dein Herz in Ordnung ist und die OP ohne Probleme gemacht werden kann.
Du bist ein mutiger Mann, David, und Du, Becky, bist eine mutige Frau - Ihr seid beide Mann und Frau nach dem Herzen Gottest. Ich freue mich, Euch zu kennen :-)

Er segnet Euch reich fuer Eure Barmherzigkeit mit Eurem Naechsten.
Alles Liebe und Gute -
Eure Bea

Linda Stein said...

I just finished reading "Godprint" by Skip Heitzig. It reminded me to keep my faith focused on Jesus and not to look at circumstances. After all, the Lord is ultimately in charge of those as well. I think you made the right decision. I know the Lord will bless you for your faith and trust in him. I have a cousin that donated a kidney to her younger sister. My cousin is a tri-athelete. The kidney donation went well and she has never had to stop her activities. I will pray that the defect will be healed on your next cross-match. The Lord will certainly be present with you in surgery, a great and mighty surgeon above all others!

larry said...

Dave blessed by your steadfast faith in the Lord. We will keep on praying.

davey said...

hi all,

thanks for the kind words. yes it has been quite an adventure for us all. and it has really tested my faith in many ways - can't even put words to it, but god has been faithful every step of the way. please continue to pray for the salvation of people involved - the recipient and even the doctors and coordinators. thanks!

Andrew Snell said...

God bless you all. We are thinking of you and praying, here in Mallorca.
Andrew and all at Santa Ponsa Community Church.