Finished, done, made it, etc...! That is what 'geschaft' means, and our friend Eva (one of Zachy's godmothers) has finished her teaching degree! The three older kids and I went with another friend to her 'graduation' in a city about an hour and a half away. It was a short ceremony, a very short speech, a couple of songs and then they all got their diplomas. It was cool to be able to be there and celebrate with her. Congratulations Auntie Eva!!!
After the ceremony we went to a wildpark (wild in German is the same as in English except that it can also mean wild animals), so it was a wild animal park, but get's free! I am often so amazed at the things here that are either free or very cheap. We payed 2 euros for parking and then we bought two boxes of food for the animals for one euro apiece. So for four euros we spent about an hour, it was already getting late when we got there, looking at and feeding all sorts of animals! And there were 3 or 4 really cool playgrounds mixed in the park as well.
Afterwards we went to dinner in cute little restaurant where we could sit outside in the 'hof' (courtyard) which was surrounded by a wall of sandstone covered in ivy and attached to the original city wall of the town built in 1550-something. (I don't know if the wall around the restaurant hof was that old, but inside the restaurant there was a section of the old wall still standing). It was really quaint, with good food.
After dinner we headed back to Freiburg. It was a really fun afternoon and we enjoyed getting to spend time with Eva and Jacque. (Thanks guys for hanging out with us!) Jacque and I took a bit of a 'scenic' route home (sometimes hard to tell where the sign's pointin' ;-) ), but it only took us about an extra 10-15 minutes, and when you have good company what's a little extra driving time, right?
Saturday, 28 July 2007
Brought to YOU by onHISturf - dvp at 11:58 1 comments
Labels: aunties, becks, fun, jes, liah, photo albums, zachie
Friday, 27 July 2007
Finished, done, made it, etc...! That is what 'geschaft' means, and our friend Eva (one of Zachy's godmothers) has finished her teaching degree! The three older kids and I went with another friend to her 'graduation' in a city about an hour and a half away. It was a short ceremony, a very short speech, a couple of songs and then they all got their diplomas. It was cool to be able to be there and celebrate with her. Congratulations Auntie Eva!!!
After the ceremony we went to a wildpark (wild in German is the same as in English except that it can also mean wild animals), so it was a wild animal park, but get's free! I am often so amazed at the things here that are either free or very cheap. We payed 2 euros for parking and then we bought two boxes of food for the animals for one euro apiece. So for four euros we spent about an hour, it was already getting late when we got there, looking at and feeding all sorts of animals! And there were 3 or 4 really cool playgrounds mixed in the park as well.
Afterwards we went to dinner in cute little restaurant where we could sit outside in the 'hof' (courtyard) which was surrounded by a wall of sandstone covered in ivy and attached to the original city wall of the town built in 1550-something. (I don't know if the wall around the restaurant hof was that old, but inside the restaurant there was a section of the old wall still standing). It was really quaint, with good food.
After dinner we headed back to Freiburg. It was a really fun afternoon and we enjoyed getting to spend time with Eva and Jacque. (Thanks guys for hanging out with us!) Jacque and I took a bit of a 'scenic' route home (sometimes hard to tell where the sign's pointin' ;-) ), but it only took us about an extra 10-15 minutes, and when you have good company what's a little extra driving time, right?
Brought to YOU by the Phamily at 23:58 2 comments
Labels: aunties, becks, fun, jes, liah, photo albums, zachie
Phun at home
David already posted about our crazy schedule the last week or so. It really does seem like we've been going non-stop now for at least two weeks, with no sign of slowing down for at least another! It's all great stuff and we wouldn't change any of it though!
But amidst all the craziness and going, going, going the kids have found time to play here at home and enjoy being brothers and sisters. We've kept them home from kindergarten for a couple of days this week just because we've been going so much, they need time at home too so they can unwind. Here are a few pictures of what they've been doing here at home....
Just being silly (thank you Auntie LanChi for the cool pjs!)
We were having fun with hair. We were even able to give Dariah hairdoes to match not only Taliah....
but Jesaiah and Zacky too!
Just sitting and contemplating....not really sure what he was doing, but he's cute whatever it was!
Paper hat day! (I love Zachy's diaper look)
Jesaiah made paper hats for everyone and even a bow and arrow out of popcicle sticks.
Mush! Or is the horse pulling her highness?
Jesaiah was pretending to be a Huskey pulling a dogsled.
A Step of Faith
The Lord has been laying something heavy on my heart in the last year or so - something that is totally new for me and us. It is something that will require us all to step out in faith and see what God will do.
For several years now, we have lived in a neighborhood of Freiburg called Rieselfeld. This place is fairly new - the oldest building was only finished in 1996/7 (in fact our building was one of the first finished). This neighborhood caters to families and children - it's probably the highest concentration of families in all Freiburg! There are currently about 8,000 people who live in this neighborhood, with still more apartments and houses being built weekly. The projected population will be around 13,000 people when it is built out - my guesstimate is that about half that number are kids and youth! And it's a very 'yuppy' neighborhood - the average adult age is probably mid-30's to mid-40's, families with 2.3 kids, 2 cars, 2 incomes, cat or dog or rabbit, etc. In fact, it is like its own little village, with its own shops and markets, banks, businesses, events, etc. It seems to have everyything - at least on the material level.
But on the spiritual level, it seems to be lacking greatly. For these 8,000 people or so, there are only two churches that try to minister to them - the local Catholic church and the local state (evangelical) church. They share a building (see photo to right) that makes me go hmmm. Yes, that is the finished product - looks like a concrete bunker. Now I have always wondered 'how many people do these 2 churches actually minister to - several hundred?' Even if we include other believers who live here and generously say 1,000 people (highly doubtful) know Jesus, there remains a question that has been burdening my heart lately - what about the other 7,000 people? Have they heard the Gospel? Do they know that God loves them? Do they know that they can have eternal life? Has anyone shared Jesus with them? In any case, we have built many relationships with people in this area - neighbors, parents at Kindergarten, others, etc. and many are so hungry for 'spiritual things'.
So God has placed upon our hearts to step out in faith and start a new work for the Lord here. I have shared with the elders in January of this year, the leaders in March and the whole church in June about us all taking this step of faith together - whether in prayer or active participation. Right now, we are seeking the Lord for more confirmation and also how to start, what to do, when to do it, etc. I have been praying about a combination of the principles of the 'organic/simple/house' church and the more conventional church. I don't have all the details but I know He wants us to step out in faith and trust Him to lead us. So pray with us, for us, for the people who live here, for God's leading through His Spirit and Word.
Here are a few passages that I believe are from the Lord and have ministered to me lately...
And so I have made it my aim to preach the gospel, not where Christ was named, lest I should build on another man's foundation, but as it is written: "To whom He was not announced, they shall see; and those who have not heard shall understand." Rom 15.20-21 preach the gospel in the regions beyond you, and not to boast in another man's sphere of accomplishment. 2Cor 10.16
Incline your ear, and come to Me. Hear, and your soul shall live; and I will make an everlasting covenant with you-- the sure mercies of David. Indeed I have given him as a witness to the people, a leader and commander for the people. Surely you shall call a nation you do not know, and nations who do not know you shall run to you, because of the Lord your God, and the Holy One of Israel; for He has glorified you." Isa 55.3-5
Brought to YOU by onHISturf - dvp at 19:07 3 comments
Labels: dienst/ministry, freiburg, rieselfeld
Phun at home
David already posted about our crazy schedule the last week or so. It really does seem like we've been going non-stop now for at least two weeks, with no sign of slowing down for at least another! It's all great stuff and we wouldn't change any of it though!
But amidst all the craziness and going, going, going the kids have found time to play here at home and enjoy being brothers and sisters. We've kept them home from kindergarten for a couple of days this week just because we've been going so much, they need time at home too so they can unwind. Here are a few pictures of what they've been doing here at home....
Just being silly (thank you Auntie LanChi for the cool pjs!)
We were having fun with hair. We were even able to give Dariah hairdoes to match not only Taliah....
but Jesaiah and Zacky too!
Just sitting and contemplating....not really sure what he was doing, but he's cute whatever it was!
Paper hat day! (I love Zachy's diaper look)
Jesaiah made paper hats for everyone and even a bow and arrow out of popcicle sticks.
Mush! Or is the horse pulling her highness?
Jesaiah was pretending to be a Huskey pulling a dogsled.
A Step of Faith
The Lord has been laying something heavy on my heart in the last year or so - something that is totally new for me and us. It is something that will require us all to step out in faith and see what God will do.
For several years now, we have lived in a neighborhood of Freiburg called Rieselfeld. This place is fairly new - the oldest building was only finished in 1996/7 (in fact our building was one of the first finished). This neighborhood caters to families and children - it's probably the highest concentration of families in all Freiburg! There are currently about 8,000 people who live in this neighborhood, with still more apartments and houses being built weekly. The projected population will be around 13,000 people when it is built out - my guesstimate is that about half that number are kids and youth! And it's a very 'yuppy' neighborhood - the average adult age is probably mid-30's to mid-40's, families with 2.3 kids, 2 cars, 2 incomes, cat or dog or rabbit, etc. In fact, it is like its own little village, with its own shops and markets, banks, businesses, events, etc. It seems to have everyything - at least on the material level.
But on the spiritual level, it seems to be lacking greatly. For these 8,000 people or so, there are only two churches that try to minister to them - the local Catholic church and the local state (evangelical) church. They share a building (see photo to right) that makes me go hmmm. Yes, that is the finished product - looks like a concrete bunker. Now I have always wondered 'how many people do these 2 churches actually minister to - several hundred?' Even if we include other believers who live here and generously say 1,000 people (highly doubtful) know Jesus, there remains a question that has been burdening my heart lately - what about the other 7,000 people? Have they heard the Gospel? Do they know that God loves them? Do they know that they can have eternal life? Has anyone shared Jesus with them? In any case, we have built many relationships with people in this area - neighbors, parents at Kindergarten, others, etc. and many are so hungry for 'spiritual things'.
So God has placed upon our hearts to step out in faith and start a new work for the Lord here. I have shared with the elders in January of this year, the leaders in March and the whole church in June about us all taking this step of faith together - whether in prayer or active participation. Right now, we are seeking the Lord for more confirmation and also how to start, what to do, when to do it, etc. I have been praying about a combination of the principles of the 'organic/simple/house' church and the more conventional church. I don't have all the details but I know He wants us to step out in faith and trust Him to lead us. So pray with us, for us, for the people who live here, for God's leading through His Spirit and Word.
Here are a few passages that I believe are from the Lord and have ministered to me lately...
And so I have made it my aim to preach the gospel, not where Christ was named, lest I should build on another man's foundation, but as it is written: "To whom He was not announced, they shall see; and those who have not heard shall understand." Rom 15.20-21 preach the gospel in the regions beyond you, and not to boast in another man's sphere of accomplishment. 2Cor 10.16
Incline your ear, and come to Me. Hear, and your soul shall live; and I will make an everlasting covenant with you-- the sure mercies of David. Indeed I have given him as a witness to the people, a leader and commander for the people. Surely you shall call a nation you do not know, and nations who do not know you shall run to you, because of the Lord your God, and the Holy One of Israel; for He has glorified you." Isa 55.3-5
Brought to YOU by onHISturf - dvp at 07:07 3 comments
Labels: dienst/ministry, freiburg, rieselfeld
Wednesday, 25 July 2007
Dalai Lama Coming to Freiburg
This coming weekend, the Dalai Lama is coming to Freiburg to dedicate the new Buddhist house and to speak at the Uni on the topic of 'Science and Spirituality'. Hmmm....
Well, just be praying that believers here in Freiburg would be able to stand strong against the subtle attacks of the enemy as he brings lies into our midst. What the Dalai Lama and others teach all sounds soooo good - peace, unity, spirituality. And people in these last days have itching ears (2Tim 4.1-5) - they don't want to hear about sin, repentance forgiveness nor Jesus. They just want to hear 'peace, unity, we're all one, we should all accept one another and just get along. There is no absolute truth, we are all gods.' These are the lies the enemy is feeding people in these last days. So pray, pray and pray some more.
Brought to YOU by onHISturf - dvp at 20:30 0 comments
Labels: andacht/devo, freiburg
Life in the Fast Lane
Well these last couple of weeks have been a blur (which is nothing really new for us I guess). We have been on the go and it seems like it won't slow down until August - but we are loving it. We love to see God work in the hearts and lives of people! Here are just a few of the highlights...
After 2 years meeting every Friday night (except summer of course), we finally come to the end of the School of Discipleship. We started out with 25 students or so and ended up with 13 who stuck through the whole 2 year program. In these 2 years we taught them some principles of ministry, IBS, OT & NT Survey, Basic Theology, How to Teach the Bible among other classes. And they all learned the discipline of keeping a spiritual journal, taking sermon notes and reading through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Plus they learned servanthood and most went on a short-term missions trip to Poland, Romania / Hungary, France, Spain, Germany. I am so proud of these who stuck through until the end - they learned much, built many good friendships and laid a good foundation. Two of them have come on staff now, a third is heading out on a 2-year missions assignment with Operation Mobilisation. Some shared that the Bible came alive to them during these 2 years. And others shared that they built lifelong friendships in the S.o.D. What fruit!
On Sat morning we also had the Children Ministry workers over for breakfast, just to say thanks! It was a great time of fellowship and just enjoying the time with one another without talking too much about 'the ministry'. I wanted them to know that they are valuable to me and us just for who they are - children of God themselves. The ministry they give to the church is secondary - their value is based on who they are and not just their ministry.
Then on Sunday right after the morning service at CCF, we packed up the Phamily and drove about 2 hours north to minister at a small church that has been w/o a pastor for almost 2 years now. I have had the opportunity to help them out with teaching many times before and it is always a joy to go and just bless them. They are beginning to suffer the effects of not having a pastor. They are like sheep w/o a shepherd - kind of wandering aimlessly. My pastor heart breaks for them, but I know I can't do more than teach them and encourage them now and then. I will be doing their Fall church retreat (which will be combined with CC Heidelberg and CC Gruenstadt) in November so we will get to see them again then.
One of the leaders of that church has 9 (count them, 9 kids with 2 sets of twins!) kids. His wife is the twin sister of one of our elder's wife here (this elder is now serving at the CC Bible College in Mallorca and with whom we stayed with back in June when we were in Mallorca). Anyways our 2 oldest got along with their youngest set of twins and they became fast friends this weekend. They even called themselves the 'quadruplets'!
Brought to YOU by onHISturf - dvp at 18:38 1 comments
Labels: andacht/devo, dienst/ministry, freiburg
Dalai Lama Coming to Freiburg
This coming weekend, the Dalai Lama is coming to Freiburg to dedicate the new Buddhist house and to speak at the Uni on the topic of 'Science and Spirituality'. Hmmm....
Well, just be praying that believers here in Freiburg would be able to stand strong against the subtle attacks of the enemy as he brings lies into our midst. What the Dalai Lama and others teach all sounds soooo good - peace, unity, spirituality. And people in these last days have itching ears (2Tim 4.1-5) - they don't want to hear about sin, repentance forgiveness nor Jesus. They just want to hear 'peace, unity, we're all one, we should all accept one another and just get along. There is no absolute truth, we are all gods.' These are the lies the enemy is feeding people in these last days. So pray, pray and pray some more.
Brought to YOU by onHISturf - dvp at 08:30 0 comments
Labels: andacht/devo, freiburg
Life in the Fast Lane
Well these last couple of weeks have been a blur (which is nothing really new for us I guess). We have been on the go and it seems like it won't slow down until August - but we are loving it. We love to see God work in the hearts and lives of people! Here are just a few of the highlights...
After 2 years meeting every Friday night (except summer of course), we finally come to the end of the School of Discipleship. We started out with 25 students or so and ended up with 13 who stuck through the whole 2 year program. In these 2 years we taught them some principles of ministry, IBS, OT & NT Survey, Basic Theology, How to Teach the Bible among other classes. And they all learned the discipline of keeping a spiritual journal, taking sermon notes and reading through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Plus they learned servanthood and most went on a short-term missions trip to Poland, Romania / Hungary, France, Spain, Germany. I am so proud of these who stuck through until the end - they learned much, built many good friendships and laid a good foundation. Two of them have come on staff now, a third is heading out on a 2-year missions assignment with Operation Mobilisation. Some shared that the Bible came alive to them during these 2 years. And others shared that they built lifelong friendships in the S.o.D. What fruit!
On Sat morning we also had the Children Ministry workers over for breakfast, just to say thanks! It was a great time of fellowship and just enjoying the time with one another without talking too much about 'the ministry'. I wanted them to know that they are valuable to me and us just for who they are - children of God themselves. The ministry they give to the church is secondary - their value is based on who they are and not just their ministry.
Then on Sunday right after the morning service at CCF, we packed up the Phamily and drove about 2 hours north to minister at a small church that has been w/o a pastor for almost 2 years now. I have had the opportunity to help them out with teaching many times before and it is always a joy to go and just bless them. They are beginning to suffer the effects of not having a pastor. They are like sheep w/o a shepherd - kind of wandering aimlessly. My pastor heart breaks for them, but I know I can't do more than teach them and encourage them now and then. I will be doing their Fall church retreat (which will be combined with CC Heidelberg and CC Gruenstadt) in November so we will get to see them again then.
One of the leaders of that church has 9 (count them, 9 kids with 2 sets of twins!) kids. His wife is the twin sister of one of our elder's wife here (this elder is now serving at the CC Bible College in Mallorca and with whom we stayed with back in June when we were in Mallorca). Anyways our 2 oldest got along with their youngest set of twins and they became fast friends this weekend. They even called themselves the 'quadruplets'!
Brought to YOU by onHISturf - dvp at 06:38 1 comments
Labels: andacht/devo, dienst/ministry, freiburg
Sunday, 22 July 2007
Downtown Street Party
This weekend in Freiburg is the annual DTSP - Downtown Street Party. CCF is located in what is known to the party/disco/nightclub-scene as the 'Bermuda Triangle' (well, I guess it's also known to the police as that!). There are three streets in downtown that intersect to form a triangle, hence the name. And on these three streets is a big concentration of discos, cafes, nightclubs and bars. Every year these places get together to put on a huge street party that lasts from Wed to Sat. The party includes alcohol, dancing, alcohol, food, alcohol, shows, alcohol, special events, alcohol, flirting (and more), alcohol, bands, alcohol and oh, did I mention alcohol? Get the picture? And thousands, I mean thousands of people come for these 4 days to party.
And all this happens right outside the church's front door. So we have a great opportunity to reach out to these mostly young people who are searching for fulfillment, love and acceptance. We have turned the church building into a 'mini-cafe' where we give out free drinks and snacks, where people can come in out of the blaring music and find peace, where people can find answers to their questions about life, God, faith and Jesus.
So pray for lots of rain to force the people to seek shelter inside (heehee!), pray for divine appointments, pray for hearts to be touched, lives changed and souls saved. Pray that we continue to be a light in the darkness.
The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light.
Those who dwelt in the land of the shadow of death, upon them a light has shined. Isa 9.2

Brought to YOU by onHISturf - dvp at 20:28 3 comments
Labels: andacht/devo, dienst/ministry, freiburg
Downtown Street Party
This weekend in Freiburg is the annual DTSP - Downtown Street Party. CCF is located in what is known to the party/disco/nightclub-scene as the 'Bermuda Triangle' (well, I guess it's also known to the police as that!). There are three streets in downtown that intersect to form a triangle, hence the name. And on these three streets is a big concentration of discos, cafes, nightclubs and bars. Every year these places get together to put on a huge street party that lasts from Wed to Sat. The party includes alcohol, dancing, alcohol, food, alcohol, shows, alcohol, special events, alcohol, flirting (and more), alcohol, bands, alcohol and oh, did I mention alcohol? Get the picture? And thousands, I mean thousands of people come for these 4 days to party.
And all this happens right outside the church's front door. So we have a great opportunity to reach out to these mostly young people who are searching for fulfillment, love and acceptance. We have turned the church building into a 'mini-cafe' where we give out free drinks and snacks, where people can come in out of the blaring music and find peace, where people can find answers to their questions about life, God, faith and Jesus.
So pray for lots of rain to force the people to seek shelter inside (heehee!), pray for divine appointments, pray for hearts to be touched, lives changed and souls saved. Pray that we continue to be a light in the darkness.
The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light.
Those who dwelt in the land of the shadow of death, upon them a light has shined. Isa 9.2

Brought to YOU by onHISturf - dvp at 08:28 3 comments
Labels: andacht/devo, dienst/ministry, freiburg
Saturday, 21 July 2007
The Weapons of Our Warfare...
This past week has been pretty hot here - in the mid 30's C / mid 90's F (a couple of days it reached 36-37C / 98-100F) and so we had to do something to cool off. We set up the kids' wading pool and jumped in! One afternoon it was so hot that we had to do somethng a bit more than just sit in a kiddie pool.
So out came the water guns, super soakers, wasserpistole - whatever you want to call them. Main thing was that you got wet! At first it was just me chasing the kids and vice versa. Then Becky got in on the action, so I had to haul out the bucket and garden hose! In the end, there wasn't an inch on any of us that was dry (well, except for baby Dariah ;-) ). We all got soaked good, had a blast and cooled off quite effectively!
Brought to YOU by onHISturf - dvp at 14:06 3 comments
The Weapons of Our Warfare...
This past week has been pretty hot here - in the mid 30's C / mid 90's F (a couple of days it reached 36-37C / 98-100F) and so we had to do something to cool off. We set up the kids' wading pool and jumped in! One afternoon it was so hot that we had to do somethng a bit more than just sit in a kiddie pool.
So out came the water guns, super soakers, wasserpistole - whatever you want to call them. Main thing was that you got wet! At first it was just me chasing the kids and vice versa. Then Becky got in on the action, so I had to haul out the bucket and garden hose! In the end, there wasn't an inch on any of us that was dry (well, except for baby Dariah ;-) ). We all got soaked good, had a blast and cooled off quite effectively!
Brought to YOU by onHISturf - dvp at 02:06 3 comments
Tuesday, 17 July 2007
Freiburg Video Tour
Saw this video on a friend's blog and thought it was very interesting. Thought you might like to check it out - it's a tour of the city where we are living and ministering - Freiburg, Germany.
The video is from and you can check out their website here - they have videos of other cities throughout the world.
ps - it's about 9 min long, so sit back, turn up the sound, get some popcorn and enjoy.
Brought to YOU by onHISturf - dvp at 20:55 0 comments
Freiburg Video Tour
Saw this video on a friend's blog and thought it was very interesting. Thought you might like to check it out - it's a tour of the city where we are living and ministering - Freiburg, Germany.
The video is from and you can check out their website here - they have videos of other cities throughout the world.
ps - it's about 9 min long, so sit back, turn up the sound, get some popcorn and enjoy.
Brought to YOU by onHISturf - dvp at 08:55 0 comments
Monday, 16 July 2007
Yesterday we had a BBQ for all the people from church who are involved in ministry in some form (mitarbeiter in German). There is a family from the church who has a piece of property in the country that they set up for us to use for the day.
The Lord blessed us with georgous weather. After about 3 weeks of rain and 50 degree weather we had a clear, sunny 90something degree day. It was so nice to gather with folks from church and enjoy the outdoors.
I think we had about 100 people who were signed up (not counting the 25-30kids). I don't know if they all made it, but there were definately a lot of people there! It was a good opportunity to get to know some new people, and connect with some old friends. I am always amazed when we do something like this at how many people I don't know! There are always new people getting involved in ministries all over the place! It is great to see.
There was something for everyone there today. There was a huge trampoline, small kiddie pool, volleyball court, soccer field, bike/go-carts, cake and coffee and later grilling, and I even got to play a short round of badmiton with a friend!
What I do you cannot do; but what you do, I cannot do. The needs are great, and none of us, including me, ever do great things. But we can all do small things, with great love, and together we can do something wonderful. Mother Teresa
Brought to YOU by onHISturf - dvp at 19:31 0 comments
Labels: dienst/ministry, fun, photo albums
Yesterday we had a BBQ for all the people from church who are involved in ministry in some form (mitarbeiter in German). There is a family from the church who has a piece of property in the country that they set up for us to use for the day.
The Lord blessed us with georgous weather. After about 3 weeks of rain and 50 degree weather we had a clear, sunny 90something degree day. It was so nice to gather with folks from church and enjoy the outdoors.
I think we had about 100 people who were signed up (not counting the 25-30kids). I don't know if they all made it, but there were definately a lot of people there! It was a good opportunity to get to know some new people, and connect with some old friends. I am always amazed when we do something like this at how many people I don't know! There are always new people getting involved in ministries all over the place! It is great to see.
There was something for everyone there today. There was a huge trampoline, small kiddie pool, volleyball court, soccer field, bike/go-carts, cake and coffee and later grilling, and I even got to play a short round of badmiton with a friend!
What I do you cannot do; but what you do, I cannot do. The needs are great, and none of us, including me, ever do great things. But we can all do small things, with great love, and together we can do something wonderful. Mother Teresa
Brought to YOU by the Phamily at 07:31 0 comments
Labels: dienst/ministry, fun, photo albums
Sunday, 15 July 2007
Only in Germany!
This is a craft that Taliah made in Kindergarten here this week. Only in Germany would the kids be allowed to cut and use beer ads for crafts! There is no negative association with beer here, it is simply another drink that 'big people' drink. Here is a picture of the craft, with beer glasses for decoration on the house.
Brought to YOU by onHISturf - dvp at 21:00 0 comments
Labels: liah, schule/school
Kindergarten Sleep Over
Jesaiah had his first sleep over this week. All of the soon to be first graders, they call themselves the Schlaufuchsen (sly foxes), got to have a sleep over.
Everyone brought their sleeping bags, pjs and stuffed animals and slept in the kindergarten Friday night. They ate dinner together, had a scavenger hunt, played games, and stayed up way to late! After breakfast on Saturday it was already time to say goodbye.
Brought to YOU by onHISturf - dvp at 20:25 0 comments
Labels: jes, misc, rieselfeld