Wasn't it Willie Nelson who sang that song - 'on the road again, goin' places I've never been, seeing things that I may never see again. And I can't wait to get on the road again'? Well, I know what he means, kinda. I am hitting the road again, on an outreach trip to Hungary and the Ukraine. I am looking forward to it on the one hand - love to see what God does on these trips. But also not looking forward to it because I don't like to travel nor be away from the Phamily.
Tomorrow I take the train for 2 hours to Heidelberg to meet up with the outreach team from CC Heidelberg. From there we take a 2.5 hour bus ride to the airport. Then we fly 2 hours to Budapest, Hungary. Then we take a 3 hour taxi ride to Debrecen, Hungary. We spend Fri and Sat in Debrecen as we wait for the other half of the team coming from CC Stuttgart. Sunday morning I teach at CC Debrecen. Then after the service, we take a 3-4 hour bus ride into the Ukraine and spend the week there doing street evangelism. Next weekend we reverse the process as we head back home to Germany (more traveling - yeah! sarcasm, sarcasm). I'll post more on the trip after I get back.
Pray for Becks as she will be alone with all 4 kids for a week while I am gone! But 2 weeks after my trip, Becks makes the same trip to the Ukraine on another outreach trip. Then I will be home with all 4 kids. (Yikes!)
Pray for my back - don't know what I did to it, but there is constant pain in the lower back. Possibly a spiritual attack?? Never had back problems before.
Friday, 31 August 2007
On the Road Again...
Brought to YOU by onHISturf - dvp at 14:15 0 comments
Labels: davey, dienst/ministry
On the Road Again...
Wasn't it Willie Nelson who sang that song - 'on the road again, goin' places I've never been, seeing things that I may never see again. And I can't wait to get on the road again'? Well, I know what he means, kinda. I am hitting the road again, on an outreach trip to Hungary and the Ukraine. I am looking forward to it on the one hand - love to see what God does on these trips. But also not looking forward to it because I don't like to travel nor be away from the Phamily.
Tomorrow I take the train for 2 hours to Heidelberg to meet up with the outreach team from CC Heidelberg. From there we take a 2.5 hour bus ride to the airport. Then we fly 2 hours to Budapest, Hungary. Then we take a 3 hour taxi ride to Debrecen, Hungary. We spend Fri and Sat in Debrecen as we wait for the other half of the team coming from CC Stuttgart. Sunday morning I teach at CC Debrecen. Then after the service, we take a 3-4 hour bus ride into the Ukraine and spend the week there doing street evangelism. Next weekend we reverse the process as we head back home to Germany (more traveling - yeah! sarcasm, sarcasm). I'll post more on the trip after I get back.
Pray for Becks as she will be alone with all 4 kids for a week while I am gone! But 2 weeks after my trip, Becks makes the same trip to the Ukraine on another outreach trip. Then I will be home with all 4 kids. (Yikes!)
Pray for my back - don't know what I did to it, but there is constant pain in the lower back. Possibly a spiritual attack?? Never had back problems before.
Brought to YOU by onHISturf - dvp at 02:15 0 comments
Labels: davey, dienst/ministry
Tuesday, 28 August 2007
Jesaiah's birthday/Weekend in Switzerland
Brought to YOU by onHISturf - dvp at 20:20 2 comments
Labels: aunties, dariah, jes, liah, phamily, photo albums, vacation, zachie
Becoming a Man
This past weekend, Jesaiah turned a big 7! Becks and I had talked a few months ago about getting him a pocket knife for his 7th birthday, but had then forgot about that until this weekend. We were in Zurich, Switzerland over the weekend to visit Taliah's godmom and her husband and had a great time with them at 'KinderCity / KidsCity' (Becks will post that later - thanks Auntie Lia and Manu!). Anyways the youth hostel where we spent the night had a showcase of some very fancy, world-famous pocket knives - the renowned Swiss Army knives!
So we ended up surprising Jesaiah with his very own, 1st-ever pocket knife - an authentic Swiss Army knife! And it was even bought in Switzerland! He was so elated and hugged us so hard that I thought my neck was gonna crack!
Our first project was to whittle a little something with his fancy new knife. So today, on our day off, we went into the little woods behind our neighborhood, searched for some good wood to start whittling and got started. We had a great time and are so blessed to see our little boy becoming a little man.
Here are some pics...
Looking for wood in the woods
Can you find our hidden forest friend?
Here, Taliah using bro's knife to cut the yucky, black dead bark off
Jesaiah using the scissors in his knife to cut the sandpaper
Sanding down the wood...
Nailing the pieces together...
Teamwork - the final product!
Jesaiah's birthday/Weekend in Switzerland
Brought to YOU by the Phamily at 08:20 2 comments
Labels: aunties, dariah, jes, liah, phamily, photo albums, vacation, zachie
Becoming a Man
This past weekend, Jesaiah turned a big 7! Becks and I had talked a few months ago about getting him a pocket knife for his 7th birthday, but had then forgot about that until this weekend. We were in Zurich, Switzerland over the weekend to visit Taliah's godmom and her husband and had a great time with them at 'KinderCity / KidsCity' (Becks will post that later - thanks Auntie Lia and Manu!). Anyways the youth hostel where we spent the night had a showcase of some very fancy, world-famous pocket knives - the renowned Swiss Army knives!
So we ended up surprising Jesaiah with his very own, 1st-ever pocket knife - an authentic Swiss Army knife! And it was even bought in Switzerland! He was so elated and hugged us so hard that I thought my neck was gonna crack!
Our first project was to whittle a little something with his fancy new knife. So today, on our day off, we went into the little woods behind our neighborhood, searched for some good wood to start whittling and got started. We had a great time and are so blessed to see our little boy becoming a little man.
Here are some pics...
Looking for wood in the woods
Can you find our hidden forest friend?
Here, Taliah using bro's knife to cut the yucky, black dead bark off
Jesaiah using the scissors in his knife to cut the sandpaper
Sanding down the wood...
Nailing the pieces together...
Teamwork - the final product!
Friday, 17 August 2007
Thursday, 16 August 2007
Still here!
Yes, we are still here! It has been awhile since our last post, we've been busy and on the road. I have lots of pictures from our many adventures recently. Uploading them and posting about them will have to wait. But stay tuned one of us will get around to it before too long!
Brought to YOU by onHISturf - dvp at 20:21 0 comments
Still here!
Yes, we are still here! It has been awhile since our last post, we've been busy and on the road. I have lots of pictures from our many adventures recently. Uploading them and posting about them will have to wait. But stay tuned one of us will get around to it before too long!
Brought to YOU by the Phamily at 08:21 0 comments
Wednesday, 1 August 2007
We Can Live in Germany Forever...
...well, at least until we die or Jesus returns for us or God moves us on! After 11 years living in Europe, 10 years of it in Freiburg, we finally were able to apply for our unlimited, permanent visa for Germany. Up to now, we had to go back every 2 years and apply for a renewal of our visas (for the first 3 years, we had to go back EVERY year).
I know for some of you that isn't such a big deal, but it has always been a burden at most and an irritation at least for us - the Foreign Office is not the greatest place to hang out for a couple hours on a hot, muggy summer day. We have seen fights break out because people cut in line in front of others, we have seen clueless people get yelled at and others just having grumpy attitudes (the workers sometimes also) - it's just a plain hassle. And because it's the FOREIGN office, there are many foreigners (go figure!) there - us included. And some of them come from cultures that are not so used to order and structure - hence the fights.
For us it has always been just an uncertainty and hassle - 'Will they renew it this year? Do we have all the paperwork filled out? Are there any loopholes? How much will it cost this year?' In any case, this permanent visa takes care of all that! I love the German word 'Erleichterung' - it means relief, like a burden taken off your shoulders. And that is exactly what it is for us - 'eine Erleichterung'!
Check out the pictures above - because of the new EU rules for passport photos, we are not allowed to smile for the photos (mom being a rebel of course). Try to tell that to kids who are (1) natural hams (do they take after mom or dad or both?); (2) always told to smile every time a camera is pointed at them and (3) can't sit still for more than 2 minutes! That was an adventure in itself - trying to get passport photos for all 6 of us. But thank God it's all over now! At least until the kids turn 16 years old - then we have to bring their passports back to have the permanent visas put in.
Brought to YOU by onHISturf - dvp at 12:06 4 comments
Labels: dienst/ministry, freiburg, phamily
We Can Live in Germany Forever...
...well, at least until we die or Jesus returns for us or God moves us on! After 11 years living in Europe, 10 years of it in Freiburg, we finally were able to apply for our unlimited, permanent visa for Germany. Up to now, we had to go back every 2 years and apply for a renewal of our visas (for the first 3 years, we had to go back EVERY year).
I know for some of you that isn't such a big deal, but it has always been a burden at most and an irritation at least for us - the Foreign Office is not the greatest place to hang out for a couple hours on a hot, muggy summer day. We have seen fights break out because people cut in line in front of others, we have seen clueless people get yelled at and others just having grumpy attitudes (the workers sometimes also) - it's just a plain hassle. And because it's the FOREIGN office, there are many foreigners (go figure!) there - us included. And some of them come from cultures that are not so used to order and structure - hence the fights.
For us it has always been just an uncertainty and hassle - 'Will they renew it this year? Do we have all the paperwork filled out? Are there any loopholes? How much will it cost this year?' In any case, this permanent visa takes care of all that! I love the German word 'Erleichterung' - it means relief, like a burden taken off your shoulders. And that is exactly what it is for us - 'eine Erleichterung'!
Check out the pictures above - because of the new EU rules for passport photos, we are not allowed to smile for the photos (mom being a rebel of course). Try to tell that to kids who are (1) natural hams (do they take after mom or dad or both?); (2) always told to smile every time a camera is pointed at them and (3) can't sit still for more than 2 minutes! That was an adventure in itself - trying to get passport photos for all 6 of us. But thank God it's all over now! At least until the kids turn 16 years old - then we have to bring their passports back to have the permanent visas put in.
Brought to YOU by onHISturf - dvp at 00:06 4 comments
Labels: dienst/ministry, freiburg, phamily