Jesaiah and Taliah got to see their first baseball game tonight! It was a night of American culture education (or shock). A friend took us to see the Lake Elsinore Storm (thanks J!) tonight. They are a minor league team (semi-pro) and their home stadium is about 20 minutes up the freeway. It was a lot of fun, but then again I love baseball. David stayed at home with the two younger ones...they would have been bored before the game even got started! Jesaiah and Taliah had fun though. They weren't quite sure what to think of all the yelling and singing and clapping, but they got used to it! They also learned why it is important to always keep an eye on the game...those foul balls go up really high and come down really hard! They got to eat hot dogs and cotton candy...ok I confess I ate most of the cotton candy, it was a bit too much for them : ).
All in all it was a good experience and now the kids know the basics of one of our true American sports. And of course the 'home team' won! Now they just need to work on learning the words to "Take me out to the ball game" so they can sing along during the seventh inning stretch! They even made it up on the big screen during the seventh inning stretch.
I'm sorry I haven't been posting much lately...I will try to work on least David is doing a good job of updating every now and then. I will try and get some pictures up soon, several people have been asking and I will get on that soon!
Thanks to all you who have been writing and praying for us (on both sides of the big pond) it means a lot to us! We are truely blessed by all of you!
Sunday, 31 August 2008
Play Ball!
Sunday, 24 August 2008
More 'Dream' Jobs
So here are a few more interesting jobs out there. I think it would be kinda fun to get to do some of these jobs. And get paid for it at the same time!
1. Fingerprint Analyst - unfortunately I couldn't apply for this very interesting job. I didn't have a degree in Fingerprint Analysis. Yes, you read that right, there is a degree for Fingerprint Analysis. I know you parents with little kids are probably thinking right now - hey, that Fingerprint Analysis course might come in handy when I ask my little ones 'who broke the vase?' or 'who ate the last cookie outta the cookie jar'! Now you can just analyze the fingerprints left at the scene and catch the culprit!
2. Power-Spraywasher - another interesting one I applied for. You work at night, powerspraying sidewalks, gas station ceilings (when was the last time you looked up at the ceiling in a gas station!?!?), driveways, certain buildings, etc. Maybe I can bring the kids along and powerspray them - much better than baths. And faster too!
3. Survey-Taker - you get paid to surf the internet and take online surveys! That sounds too good to be true. It is. You can do it, but you have to pay first to sign up for their 'program' and then they'll send you the surveys.
Oh well, the hunt for a job continues. I'll keep you posted on what's out there. And maybe, just maybe I'll get to analyze your fingerprint or power spray you! So stay clean, be good, keep your hand outta the cookie jar and pray.
More 'Dream' Jobs
So here are a few more interesting jobs out there. I think it would be kinda fun to get to do some of these jobs. And get paid for it at the same time!
1. Fingerprint Analyst - unfortunately I couldn't apply for this very interesting job. I didn't have a degree in Fingerprint Analysis. Yes, you read that right, there is a degree for Fingerprint Analysis. I know you parents with little kids are probably thinking right now - hey, that Fingerprint Analysis course might come in handy when I ask my little ones 'who broke the vase?' or 'who ate the last cookie outta the cookie jar'! Now you can just analyze the fingerprints left at the scene and catch the culprit!
2. Power-Spraywasher - another interesting one I applied for. You work at night, powerspraying sidewalks, gas station ceilings (when was the last time you looked up at the ceiling in a gas station!?!?), driveways, certain buildings, etc. Maybe I can bring the kids along and powerspray them - much better than baths. And faster too!
3. Survey-Taker - you get paid to surf the internet and take online surveys! That sounds too good to be true. It is. You can do it, but you have to pay first to sign up for their 'program' and then they'll send you the surveys.
Oh well, the hunt for a job continues. I'll keep you posted on what's out there. And maybe, just maybe I'll get to analyze your fingerprint or power spray you! So stay clean, be good, keep your hand outta the cookie jar and pray.
Saturday, 23 August 2008
'Dream' Jobs?
As part of the ongoing search for a job, I have been sending out about 2-3 resumes and applications every day for the last 2 weeks or so. So far nothing. But I have come across some very interesting jobs that I applied for. Really makes you think - do people really do this? Of course they do!
Now can you imagine me doing any of these things!?! ;-) But at this point in time, I am willing to do anything to support our family.
Here are some of the more interesting jobs...
1. Mortuary Assistant - I applied for this one, but don't know exactly what the job will include. It only says that they will 'train in ALL aspects' of the business. That sounds really interesting!
2. Pest Control / Exterminator - this one was also interesting, at least for me. Hey John, maybe you can use some of the principles (and equipment) in fending off the 'pests' that 'bug' you on Wed nights! This might come in handy!
3. Traffic Data Collector - ever wonder who puts out those thin rubber hoses across some streets, and what they're for? Well that's where the Traffic Data Collector comes in! Oh, and it's used to collect data on how many cars use that street (volume) and how fast (speed) and what time of day, etc. Cool huh?! Just gotta be really fast on your feet dodging all those cars and trucks. Have you ever played the video game Frogger - just imagine you're the frog.
Well, continue to pray for us / me. We need to get settled with a job in the next month or two. But we know god will provide.
'Dream' Jobs?
As part of the ongoing search for a job, I have been sending out about 2-3 resumes and applications every day for the last 2 weeks or so. So far nothing. But I have come across some very interesting jobs that I applied for. Really makes you think - do people really do this? Of course they do!
Now can you imagine me doing any of these things!?! ;-) But at this point in time, I am willing to do anything to support our family.
Here are some of the more interesting jobs...
1. Mortuary Assistant - I applied for this one, but don't know exactly what the job will include. It only says that they will 'train in ALL aspects' of the business. That sounds really interesting!
2. Pest Control / Exterminator - this one was also interesting, at least for me. Hey John, maybe you can use some of the principles (and equipment) in fending off the 'pests' that 'bug' you on Wed nights! This might come in handy!
3. Traffic Data Collector - ever wonder who puts out those thin rubber hoses across some streets, and what they're for? Well that's where the Traffic Data Collector comes in! Oh, and it's used to collect data on how many cars use that street (volume) and how fast (speed) and what time of day, etc. Cool huh?! Just gotta be really fast on your feet dodging all those cars and trucks. Have you ever played the video game Frogger - just imagine you're the frog.
Well, continue to pray for us / me. We need to get settled with a job in the next month or two. But we know god will provide.
Thursday, 14 August 2008
Prayer Requests
Wow, we can't believe it's been 2 and a half weeks that we have been here in SoCal already. We are doing well, enjoying the weather - sunny and over 35 degrees Celsius almost everyday. Feels almost like vacation / furlough - but the reality that it is not is beginning to settle in. The kids start school in 3 weeks and we are running around trying to get all the stuff they need for school together. And still trying to get a few small things to turn the house into a home. ;-)
Also it just somehow feels different being here this time - probably because we know in the back of our minds that we are living here and not just on furlough. Sometimes I just feel disoriented - emotionally and physically. I know that is part and parcel of the whole 're-entry' process and culture shock but it's still weird. At times it feels like it's a dream and I'll wake up in my bed in Freiburg. Other times it hits really hard that this is for reals and I start to panic and wonder 'what the heck are we doing here?! did I hear God correctly?' Weird.One example of the difference of SoCal life - I forgot how huge the streets are! In some residential neighborhoods, the streets are as wide across as the Autobahn! And that's only 2 lanes - 1 in each direction! And the freeways here SEEM like they are half a kilometer wide - with 4 and sometimes 5 and 6 lanes in each direction! It's like driving in a sea of cars.
And we have to drive everywhere - to the market, stores, school, church, playground, etc. The kids keep asking why we have to drive so much - Zachie asks if he can ride his laufrad! And Dariah often screams 'nein, nein, no!!!' when we put her in her car seat to go somewhere - (Auntie Doro, you need to come and talk to her).
But all in all, it has been a good first couple of weeks. We have enjoyed connecting with friends and family again. Which has made the culture shock less intense. I couldn't imagine coming back to SoCal and not knowing anyone and having to figure everything out on our own!
Anyways, for me, I have started looking around for a job, but haven't had much luck. The economy isn't doing that well and jobs that I qualify for are far and few in between. But I still have confidence that God will provide one for us. So pray with us - here are a few things to bring before the Lord...
1. quick adjustment to life here
2. job for David
3. car/van for the Phamily
Brought to YOU by onHISturf - dvp at 16:10 6 comments
Prayer Requests
Wow, we can't believe it's been 2 and a half weeks that we have been here in SoCal already. We are doing well, enjoying the weather - sunny and over 35 degrees Celsius almost everyday. Feels almost like vacation / furlough - but the reality that it is not is beginning to settle in. The kids start school in 3 weeks and we are running around trying to get all the stuff they need for school together. And still trying to get a few small things to turn the house into a home. ;-)
Also it just somehow feels different being here this time - probably because we know in the back of our minds that we are living here and not just on furlough. Sometimes I just feel disoriented - emotionally and physically. I know that is part and parcel of the whole 're-entry' process and culture shock but it's still weird. At times it feels like it's a dream and I'll wake up in my bed in Freiburg. Other times it hits really hard that this is for reals and I start to panic and wonder 'what the heck are we doing here?! did I hear God correctly?' Weird.One example of the difference of SoCal life - I forgot how huge the streets are! In some residential neighborhoods, the streets are as wide across as the Autobahn! And that's only 2 lanes - 1 in each direction! And the freeways here SEEM like they are half a kilometer wide - with 4 and sometimes 5 and 6 lanes in each direction! It's like driving in a sea of cars.
And we have to drive everywhere - to the market, stores, school, church, playground, etc. The kids keep asking why we have to drive so much - Zachie asks if he can ride his laufrad! And Dariah often screams 'nein, nein, no!!!' when we put her in her car seat to go somewhere - (Auntie Doro, you need to come and talk to her).
But all in all, it has been a good first couple of weeks. We have enjoyed connecting with friends and family again. Which has made the culture shock less intense. I couldn't imagine coming back to SoCal and not knowing anyone and having to figure everything out on our own!
Anyways, for me, I have started looking around for a job, but haven't had much luck. The economy isn't doing that well and jobs that I qualify for are far and few in between. But I still have confidence that God will provide one for us. So pray with us - here are a few things to bring before the Lord...
1. quick adjustment to life here
2. job for David
3. car/van for the Phamily
Brought to YOU by onHISturf - dvp at 04:10 6 comments
Saturday, 9 August 2008
Video Tour - Phamily Home
Hi all, we still don't have internet at home yet, but we just had to get this little video up so you could see where we live (at least our Phamily home). We are so blessed because the church here in SoCal set up the house for us, with pretty much all we need - furniture, household stuff, etc. Well, almost everything - we are still w/o a washer, but that will be taken care of in the next week or so. All we had to do was just move in, unpack and settle in! What a blessing!
So sit back and enjoy this little video of our new Phamily home - let the kids show you around!
PS - if the video doesn't play automatically, click on the 'play' button at the bottom left of the video.
Friday, 8 August 2008
Video Tour - Phamily Home
Hi all, we still don't have internet at home yet, but we just had to get this little video up so you could see where we live (at least our Phamily home). We are so blessed because the church here in SoCal set up the house for us, with pretty much all we need - furniture, household stuff, etc. Well, almost everything - we are still w/o a washer, but that will be taken care of in the next week or so. All we had to do was just move in, unpack and settle in! What a blessing!
So sit back and enjoy this little video of our new Phamily home - let the kids show you around!
PS - if the video doesn't play automatically, click on the 'play' button at the bottom left of the video.
Wednesday, 6 August 2008
Still Not Connected
We are still without telephone and internet - so please be patient. We check email only about once a week or so. Still trying to get settled in and things set up. We'll do a real update as soon as we can get internet at home. Sorry we can't answer all the emails we have gotten so far. But just know that we appreciate all the correspondence and care from all.
We are actually doing well, over jetlag now. But we are in the middle of figuring out what we need to do next in terms of school, job, finances, health insurance, car/van, etc. Many questions and decisions!!! We see this year or so as a furlough / transition time, so it of course comes with much uncertainty (which I personally am not a fan of!). So keep praying for us!
We also wanted to thank each of you for your financial support during this time. Through your support and giving, we have enough finances to make it through August and part of September. But please do pray for a job for David starting in September. Also, for those who support us regularly, we do ask that you also pray about continuing your support during this transition / preparation time, but we totally understand if you decide to suspend or even stop support during this time. And we thank you for your faithfulness over the years! We love you all!
Brought to YOU by onHISturf - dvp at 16:11 2 comments
Labels: dienst/ministry, move, phamily, socal
Still Not Connected
We are still without telephone and internet - so please be patient. We check email only about once a week or so. Still trying to get settled in and things set up. We'll do a real update as soon as we can get internet at home. Sorry we can't answer all the emails we have gotten so far. But just know that we appreciate all the correspondence and care from all.
We are actually doing well, over jetlag now. But we are in the middle of figuring out what we need to do next in terms of school, job, finances, health insurance, car/van, etc. Many questions and decisions!!! We see this year or so as a furlough / transition time, so it of course comes with much uncertainty (which I personally am not a fan of!). So keep praying for us!
We also wanted to thank each of you for your financial support during this time. Through your support and giving, we have enough finances to make it through August and part of September. But please do pray for a job for David starting in September. Also, for those who support us regularly, we do ask that you also pray about continuing your support during this transition / preparation time, but we totally understand if you decide to suspend or even stop support during this time. And we thank you for your faithfulness over the years! We love you all!
Brought to YOU by onHISturf - dvp at 04:11 2 comments
Labels: dienst/ministry, move, phamily, socal