Sorry it's been a while since we posted - just trying to finish the visa applications for New Zealand. That is done and all we can do is wait for them to process it. Anyways, have a Merry Merry CHRISTmas and an awesome New Year!
Oh, the kids and I had some fun the other day in the 'snow'. We filmed a video of it for you - enjoy...
Thursday, 24 December 2009
Merry CHRISTmas!
Brought to YOU by onHISturf - dvp at 23:53 0 comments
Merry CHRISTmas!
Sorry it's been a while since we posted - just trying to finish the visa applications for New Zealand. That is done and all we can do is wait for them to process it. Anyways, have a Merry Merry CHRISTmas and an awesome New Year!
Oh, the kids and I had some fun the other day in the 'snow'. We filmed a video of it for you - enjoy...
Brought to YOU by onHISturf - dvp at 11:53 0 comments
Friday, 27 November 2009
Happy Turkey Day to All!
Just wanted to say thanks to family and friends - you are a blessing to us in your own unique way! Have an awesome Thanksgiving and enjoy time with your family and friends. Here's a foto of our turkey. Notice the pearly whites and great smile. ;-)
Brought to YOU by onHISturf - dvp at 21:49 2 comments
Happy Turkey Day to All!
Just wanted to say thanks to family and friends - you are a blessing to us in your own unique way! Have an awesome Thanksgiving and enjoy time with your family and friends. Here's a foto of our turkey. Notice the pearly whites and great smile. ;-)
Brought to YOU by onHISturf - dvp at 09:49 2 comments
Sunday, 22 November 2009
(click foto to enlarge)
Three weeks ago, the three older kids have been doing karate at a local studio. The neat part about it is that it is a Christian run by Christians so they do not go into the whole spiritual side of martial arts. Well, I should say, they do go into the spiritual side, but from the Christian perspective.
The kids all have monthly memory verses they must learn and practice. In order to move onto the next belt or degree, they must not only be proficient in their karate moves, but also must show proficiency in the Word of God. And in their attitudes - they must show respect, courtesy, integrity, etc. Way cool. It's basically a discipleship program!
Too bad that we didn't start them sooner - they will only be in this program until we leave for NZ. Some of their friends have been in this program for years. But they are enjoying it tremendously. Thanks to the instructors at the studio for their care and love for the kids!
Saturday, 21 November 2009
(click foto to enlarge)
Three weeks ago, the three older kids have been doing karate at a local studio. The neat part about it is that it is a Christian run by Christians so they do not go into the whole spiritual side of martial arts. Well, I should say, they do go into the spiritual side, but from the Christian perspective.
The kids all have monthly memory verses they must learn and practice. In order to move onto the next belt or degree, they must not only be proficient in their karate moves, but also must show proficiency in the Word of God. And in their attitudes - they must show respect, courtesy, integrity, etc. Way cool. It's basically a discipleship program!
Too bad that we didn't start them sooner - they will only be in this program until we leave for NZ. Some of their friends have been in this program for years. But they are enjoying it tremendously. Thanks to the instructors at the studio for their care and love for the kids!
Tuesday, 17 November 2009
Happy Belated Veterans Day
Thanks to all the veterans who have served in the various wars. Thank you for standing up for me. As one of the 'boat people' from Vietnam, I am very grateful for the soldiers who fought in Vietnam. To be honest, without them I (and my family) most likely will still be back in communist Vietnam. So thanks!
This past week on Veteran's Day we went to the local Murrieta Vet's Day parade. One of the exhibits that caught my attention was the Field of Honor. This is a field next to the Murrieta public library that was decorated with 1200 US flags. Each flag was in honor of a regional veteran. It was a moving display. Again, thanks to all vets.
Here are a few fotos of the Field of Honor...
Brought to YOU by onHISturf - dvp at 23:46 1 comments
Happy Belated Veterans Day
Thanks to all the veterans who have served in the various wars. Thank you for standing up for me. As one of the 'boat people' from Vietnam, I am very grateful for the soldiers who fought in Vietnam. To be honest, without them I (and my family) most likely will still be back in communist Vietnam. So thanks!
This past week on Veteran's Day we went to the local Murrieta Vet's Day parade. One of the exhibits that caught my attention was the Field of Honor. This is a field next to the Murrieta public library that was decorated with 1200 US flags. Each flag was in honor of a regional veteran. It was a moving display. Again, thanks to all vets.
Here are a few fotos of the Field of Honor...
Brought to YOU by onHISturf - dvp at 11:46 1 comments
Saturday, 14 November 2009
Jury Duty is Over...For the Next 12 Months
Well, just to let you know, I finished jury duty this week. All in all I have to say it was a very interesting process (don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I would do it again anytime soon). I did get a chance to see part of the judicial process and I did learn a lot about legal terms. There were about 160 of us potential jurors the first day. That was whittled down to about 60 by the next 2 days. Then from those, 18 were picked as prospective jurors and questioned by the judge and lawyers (with the rest of us still sitting in with them and listening).
After this, the lawyers on both sides started excusing some of these prospective jurors, based upon the answers they gave or sometimes just on a gut feeling. So that reduced that group of 18 down to about 9 or so. So another 12 were picked from the larger group of 60 (well, minus the 18 already picked or excused) and questioned. So from this second 12, the lawyers picked enough to get 12 jurors and 2 alternate jurors. Technically there should be 3 alternates, but the judge had mercy on the rest of us and dismissed the rest of us. Otherwise another 12 would have been picked from those of us remaining, and from these 12 1 alternate would have been picked. Whew! All in all a very interesting week. Now it makes me want to read 'Twelve Angry Men' again. I read it back in high school for AP English and liked it. I think we even watched the old movie.
Oh by the way, for those who have been dying to know - I can talk about the charges now that I am not on the jury. It was 4 counts of alleged rape by a police officer in this county - some of the alleged victims are prostitutes. Very serious charges, hence the care in picking the right jurors.
Now it's Becks' turn at jury duty - she has been called.
Brought to YOU by onHISturf - dvp at 19:54 0 comments
Jury Duty is Over...For the Next 12 Months
Well, just to let you know, I finished jury duty this week. All in all I have to say it was a very interesting process (don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I would do it again anytime soon). I did get a chance to see part of the judicial process and I did learn a lot about legal terms. There were about 160 of us potential jurors the first day. That was whittled down to about 60 by the next 2 days. Then from those, 18 were picked as prospective jurors and questioned by the judge and lawyers (with the rest of us still sitting in with them and listening).
After this, the lawyers on both sides started excusing some of these prospective jurors, based upon the answers they gave or sometimes just on a gut feeling. So that reduced that group of 18 down to about 9 or so. So another 12 were picked from the larger group of 60 (well, minus the 18 already picked or excused) and questioned. So from this second 12, the lawyers picked enough to get 12 jurors and 2 alternate jurors. Technically there should be 3 alternates, but the judge had mercy on the rest of us and dismissed the rest of us. Otherwise another 12 would have been picked from those of us remaining, and from these 12 1 alternate would have been picked. Whew! All in all a very interesting week. Now it makes me want to read 'Twelve Angry Men' again. I read it back in high school for AP English and liked it. I think we even watched the old movie.
Oh by the way, for those who have been dying to know - I can talk about the charges now that I am not on the jury. It was 4 counts of alleged rape by a police officer in this county - some of the alleged victims are prostitutes. Very serious charges, hence the care in picking the right jurors.
Now it's Becks' turn at jury duty - she has been called.
Brought to YOU by onHISturf - dvp at 07:54 0 comments
Sunday, 1 November 2009
Back in SoCal
Hi all, we are back from Germany now and trying to get settled in to life here. And yes, we are trying to get over the jetlag - the kids start dropping off at around 5-6 PM (mostly because they wake up at 4-5 AM!!).
We will try to post more fotos and testimonies about the trip - it was a total blessing! It was soooo good to see good friends again, some we have known for almost 12-13 years now. Thanks to all who prayed for us during the trip. And thanks especially to the Romings who opened their home for us to stay the whole 2 and a half weeks - 4 adults and 9 kids (all under 10 years old) all in one house. And nary a problem! Wow, what a miracle!
I am scheduled for jury duty all of next week. And Becks is scheduled for jury duty all of the week after that. Welcome back to SoCal! Life never is dull, is it? I am kinda excited - never done jury duty before. We have been called before several times, but were living in Germany at the time so got out of it (but imagine the travel cost they would have had to reimburse us for if they insisted we show up!).
Anyways, we'll post more soon...
Brought to YOU by onHISturf - dvp at 16:23 0 comments
Back in SoCal
Hi all, we are back from Germany now and trying to get settled in to life here. And yes, we are trying to get over the jetlag - the kids start dropping off at around 5-6 PM (mostly because they wake up at 4-5 AM!!).
We will try to post more fotos and testimonies about the trip - it was a total blessing! It was soooo good to see good friends again, some we have known for almost 12-13 years now. Thanks to all who prayed for us during the trip. And thanks especially to the Romings who opened their home for us to stay the whole 2 and a half weeks - 4 adults and 9 kids (all under 10 years old) all in one house. And nary a problem! Wow, what a miracle!
I am scheduled for jury duty all of next week. And Becks is scheduled for jury duty all of the week after that. Welcome back to SoCal! Life never is dull, is it? I am kinda excited - never done jury duty before. We have been called before several times, but were living in Germany at the time so got out of it (but imagine the travel cost they would have had to reimburse us for if they insisted we show up!).
Anyways, we'll post more soon...
Brought to YOU by onHISturf - dvp at 04:23 0 comments
Sunday, 4 October 2009
How's Your Chest?!
As part of the visa application process for New Zealand, we have to get chest X-rays. I assume they want to make sure we don't have TB or any medical abnormalities. This past week, we got the reports back from the radiologist saying that our chests and spines look healthy and that there are no signs of TB or any abnormalities.
But what caught my attention and made me a little upset was this one phrase that was supposed to sum up the radiologist's findings...
For Becks he summarized - Impression: NORMAL chest.
For me he summarized - Impression: UNREMARKABLE chest!!!
Now wait a cotton-pickin' minute I thought! How come she gets a 'normal' chest and I get a 'unremarkable chest'!? I think my chest is AT LEAST normal! If not downright remarkable!
I guess I gotta get out the weights and work-out a bit. Maybe then I can be bumped up to a 'normal' chest. And perhaps one day, with lots of sweat, hard work (and steroids), I can move up to having a 'remarkable' chest! ;-)
LIke this guys below...
Brought to YOU by onHISturf - dvp at 18:50 1 comments
How's Your Chest?!
As part of the visa application process for New Zealand, we have to get chest X-rays. I assume they want to make sure we don't have TB or any medical abnormalities. This past week, we got the reports back from the radiologist saying that our chests and spines look healthy and that there are no signs of TB or any abnormalities.
But what caught my attention and made me a little upset was this one phrase that was supposed to sum up the radiologist's findings...
For Becks he summarized - Impression: NORMAL chest.
For me he summarized - Impression: UNREMARKABLE chest!!!
Now wait a cotton-pickin' minute I thought! How come she gets a 'normal' chest and I get a 'unremarkable chest'!? I think my chest is AT LEAST normal! If not downright remarkable!
I guess I gotta get out the weights and work-out a bit. Maybe then I can be bumped up to a 'normal' chest. And perhaps one day, with lots of sweat, hard work (and steroids), I can move up to having a 'remarkable' chest! ;-)
LIke this guys below...
Brought to YOU by onHISturf - dvp at 06:50 1 comments
Saturday, 3 October 2009
Where Do You Find Contentment?
It's a question that we all face in life - maybe daily for some. Or back up a little and ask 'Am I even content? With who I am, what I have, where I am, what I am doing? Am I content??' Those are some tough questions - maybe easy to answer, but hard to live out. Because we are constantly bombarded by societal pressures that try to make us discontented!We're not content with the way we look because Hollywood has convinced us that we would only be content if we look like a movie star or model. We're not content with what we have because advertisers have convinced us that in order to be content we NEED the latest and greatest. We're not content with what we are doing because we have been taught all our lives that we must achieve the American Dream - the big house in a suburban cul-de-sac with the white picket fence, 2 cars in the garage (1 sedan and 1 SUV), a dog and cat and 2.78 kids. So we strive and strive to achieve that illusive dream. But is that really contentment?
Paul in Philippians 4 gives us a few tips, pointers, principles (whatever you want to call them) on contentment. I'll just list them out here with the corresponding verses. I won't explain them much because I really want you to read those verses and let God speak to you. Let Him show you if you are content or not, and where you find your contentment. So here are the 3 principles that I see...
1. Contentment is independent of external circumstances and material things - Phil 4.11-12. Notice what Paul says - 'in whatever state' and 'everywhere and in all things'. Am I content ONLY when things go well or ONLY when I have all I need and want?
2. Contentment must be learned - Phil 4.11-12. It is not automatic nor does it come naturally to us. Twice Paul says it is learned or understood though experience or teaching.
3. Contentment is only 'in' the Lord Jesus - Phil 4.13. In the Greek the actual sentence goes like this- 'I can do all things IN [not through] Christ [or Him depending on which translation you use] who strengthens me.' Just remember with this verse - context, context, context. What does 'all things' mean? Can I flap my arms and fly if I recite this verse while flapping? Meditate on the 'all things IN Christ'.
Brought to YOU by onHISturf - dvp at 00:40 0 comments
Labels: andacht/devo, davey
Friday, 2 October 2009
Where Do You Find Contentment?
It's a question that we all face in life - maybe daily for some. Or back up a little and ask 'Am I even content? With who I am, what I have, where I am, what I am doing? Am I content??' Those are some tough questions - maybe easy to answer, but hard to live out. Because we are constantly bombarded by societal pressures that try to make us discontented!We're not content with the way we look because Hollywood has convinced us that we would only be content if we look like a movie star or model. We're not content with what we have because advertisers have convinced us that in order to be content we NEED the latest and greatest. We're not content with what we are doing because we have been taught all our lives that we must achieve the American Dream - the big house in a suburban cul-de-sac with the white picket fence, 2 cars in the garage (1 sedan and 1 SUV), a dog and cat and 2.78 kids. So we strive and strive to achieve that illusive dream. But is that really contentment?
Paul in Philippians 4 gives us a few tips, pointers, principles (whatever you want to call them) on contentment. I'll just list them out here with the corresponding verses. I won't explain them much because I really want you to read those verses and let God speak to you. Let Him show you if you are content or not, and where you find your contentment. So here are the 3 principles that I see...
1. Contentment is independent of external circumstances and material things - Phil 4.11-12. Notice what Paul says - 'in whatever state' and 'everywhere and in all things'. Am I content ONLY when things go well or ONLY when I have all I need and want?
2. Contentment must be learned - Phil 4.11-12. It is not automatic nor does it come naturally to us. Twice Paul says it is learned or understood though experience or teaching.
3. Contentment is only 'in' the Lord Jesus - Phil 4.13. In the Greek the actual sentence goes like this- 'I can do all things IN [not through] Christ [or Him depending on which translation you use] who strengthens me.' Just remember with this verse - context, context, context. What does 'all things' mean? Can I flap my arms and fly if I recite this verse while flapping? Meditate on the 'all things IN Christ'.
Brought to YOU by onHISturf - dvp at 12:40 0 comments
Labels: andacht/devo, davey
Wednesday, 16 September 2009
What It Takes to Hear God's Voice
This past Sunday, I had the privilege to teach all three services at our home church, Calvary Murrieta, while Pastor Brian was away. The message was from Matt 14.22-33, but it also included examples from our own lives and the whole process of us stepping out of the boat and leaving Germany and now stepping out of the boat again and heading off to New Zealand (God willing!).
So in a sense, it is our life story covering the last 2 years. The message is titled 'What It Takes to Hear God's Voice' and you can download it from the CCM website (just click here and then listen online or download the mp3). Enjoy and my prayer is that God will speak to you about your boat!
PS - thanks Brian for letting me share!
Here's Peter getting ready to walk on water with Jesus. That's how I feel sometimes! ;-)
Brought to YOU by onHISturf - dvp at 19:07 0 comments
Labels: davey, dienst/ministry, nz
What It Takes to Hear God's Voice
This past Sunday, I had the privilege to teach all three services at our home church, Calvary Murrieta, while Pastor Brian was away. The message was from Matt 14.22-33, but it also included examples from our own lives and the whole process of us stepping out of the boat and leaving Germany and now stepping out of the boat again and heading off to New Zealand (God willing!).
So in a sense, it is our life story covering the last 2 years. The message is titled 'What It Takes to Hear God's Voice' and you can download it from the CCM website (just click here and then listen online or download the mp3). Enjoy and my prayer is that God will speak to you about your boat!
PS - thanks Brian for letting me share!
Here's Peter getting ready to walk on water with Jesus. That's how I feel sometimes! ;-)
Brought to YOU by onHISturf - dvp at 07:07 0 comments
Labels: davey, dienst/ministry, nz
Sunday, 13 September 2009
While in New Zealand, I was invited to coffee at the local Starbucks. As I was paying for a gift mug for my wife, the young guy behind the counter comments to me after the transaction is finished - 'sweet as'. Now, the written word doesn't quite capture the Kiwi accent here, for the phrase 'sweet as' sounded like 'sweet a$$' to me! I almost grabbed the guy by the collar and asked - 'what did you say?!?!'. At the very least, I wanted to 'invite' him outside for a more private 'talk'!
Well, it turns out that the Kiwis say 'sweet as' like we would say 'sweeeet' or 'right on' - kinda like a positive affirmation or comment in the local vernacular. In other words, it's a Kiwi (maybe Ozzie too) idiom. And I think it probably stems from a phrase like 'sweet as sugar/honey, etc. Or maybe not. Who knows - all I know is that some kid at Starbucks in NZ almost got his clock cleaned. ;-)
Brought to YOU by onHISturf - dvp at 04:29 5 comments
Saturday, 12 September 2009
While in New Zealand, I was invited to coffee at the local Starbucks. As I was paying for a gift mug for my wife, the young guy behind the counter comments to me after the transaction is finished - 'sweet as'. Now, the written word doesn't quite capture the Kiwi accent here, for the phrase 'sweet as' sounded like 'sweet a$$' to me! I almost grabbed the guy by the collar and asked - 'what did you say?!?!'. At the very least, I wanted to 'invite' him outside for a more private 'talk'!
Well, it turns out that the Kiwis say 'sweet as' like we would say 'sweeeet' or 'right on' - kinda like a positive affirmation or comment in the local vernacular. In other words, it's a Kiwi (maybe Ozzie too) idiom. And I think it probably stems from a phrase like 'sweet as sugar/honey, etc. Or maybe not. Who knows - all I know is that some kid at Starbucks in NZ almost got his clock cleaned. ;-)
Brought to YOU by onHISturf - dvp at 16:29 5 comments
Friday, 11 September 2009
Back in America
Just got back from New Zealand, after a week-long scouting trip. I'll write more about it when i get more settled in, but in general, it was a good trip. I had lots of time with the pastor of CC Wellington and his wife - we had great talks and prayer times together. We seemed to be on the same page in most things, which is good considering we are planning to continue where they will leave off in the ministry.
Anyways, I'll post more (maybe ;-) ) when I get a chance. But here are a few fotos from New Zealand. I 'stitched' together 7 fotos to get this panorama of Wellington from the top of the highest point in the Wellington area. It's almost a 270 degree view of the city, harbor and surrounding areas. Click on the foto to get a larger view. It works best if you can load (first, right-click and 'save as') the foto into your default foto viewer/editor and view it at 100% (much more detail!).
Brought to YOU by onHISturf - dvp at 16:04 0 comments
Labels: davey, dienst/ministry, nz
Back in America
Just got back from New Zealand, after a week-long scouting trip. I'll write more about it when i get more settled in, but in general, it was a good trip. I had lots of time with the pastor of CC Wellington and his wife - we had great talks and prayer times together. We seemed to be on the same page in most things, which is good considering we are planning to continue where they will leave off in the ministry.
Anyways, I'll post more (maybe ;-) ) when I get a chance. But here are a few fotos from New Zealand. I 'stitched' together 7 fotos to get this panorama of Wellington from the top of the highest point in the Wellington area. It's almost a 270 degree view of the city, harbor and surrounding areas. Click on the foto to get a larger view. It works best if you can load (first, right-click and 'save as') the foto into your default foto viewer/editor and view it at 100% (much more detail!).
Brought to YOU by onHISturf - dvp at 04:04 0 comments
Labels: davey, dienst/ministry, nz
Tuesday, 1 September 2009
New Zealand, Here I Come...
Well, tomorrow is the big day - I fly to New Zealand to check out if this is where God will take us next. Yet somehow I am not excited at all, actually am dreading it! Maybe I am too traveled out, considering we drove close to 7500 miles in the last 6-7 weeks. Or maybe it's because I am nervous about stepping out of the boat once again. Or maybe it's because it's not of God? Or maybe I simply lack faith?
Whatever the case, I am dreading it. Weird. Really weird. I normally am challenged by new experiences, especially traveling to new lands. It doesn't faze me. But this time, it's like - blah. Oh well, I gotta go now. ;-)
Please pray for me/us. Pray for concrete confirmation, for the leading of the Spirit. Pray also for Becks as she is alone with all 4 kids. And they just started school, homeschooling, sports, etc. this past week. Thanks
Brought to YOU by onHISturf - dvp at 18:38 1 comments
Labels: davey, dienst/ministry, phamily
New Zealand, Here I Come...
Well, tomorrow is the big day - I fly to New Zealand to check out if this is where God will take us next. Yet somehow I am not excited at all, actually am dreading it! Maybe I am too traveled out, considering we drove close to 7500 miles in the last 6-7 weeks. Or maybe it's because I am nervous about stepping out of the boat once again. Or maybe it's because it's not of God? Or maybe I simply lack faith?
Whatever the case, I am dreading it. Weird. Really weird. I normally am challenged by new experiences, especially traveling to new lands. It doesn't faze me. But this time, it's like - blah. Oh well, I gotta go now. ;-)
Please pray for me/us. Pray for concrete confirmation, for the leading of the Spirit. Pray also for Becks as she is alone with all 4 kids. And they just started school, homeschooling, sports, etc. this past week. Thanks
Brought to YOU by onHISturf - dvp at 06:38 1 comments
Labels: davey, dienst/ministry, phamily
Saturday, 29 August 2009
Girls Found!
Well, the missing girls have been found! I have no details other than that they are found. The prelimenary report seems to be that they 'had ran away'. They were gone for almost a week. Continue to pray for them and their family and friends as they deal with this situation. And thanks for praying!
Brought to YOU by onHISturf - dvp at 15:29 0 comments
Girls Found!
Well, the missing girls have been found! I have no details other than that they are found. The prelimenary report seems to be that they 'had ran away'. They were gone for almost a week. Continue to pray for them and their family and friends as they deal with this situation. And thanks for praying!
Brought to YOU by onHISturf - dvp at 03:29 0 comments
Friday, 28 August 2009
Missing Girls
Hi all, please pray for these girls, their families and friends. They have been missing since Friday, Aug 21. One of the girls (or maybe both, I am not so sure) goes / went to the Calvary Murrieta Christian school. It is hard to believe that this can happen in a place such as Murrieta/Temecula. But I guess nowhere is really safe anymore.
If you see anything, hear anything, know anything, please contact the Riverside County Sheriff's Dept. The contact number is on the flyer - click the foto to enlarge it. And please pray and post this to your fb, blog, website, etc. Time is of the utmost essence in such cases.
Brought to YOU by onHISturf - dvp at 16:54 0 comments
Missing Girls
Hi all, please pray for these girls, their families and friends. They have been missing since Friday, Aug 21. One of the girls (or maybe both, I am not so sure) goes / went to the Calvary Murrieta Christian school. It is hard to believe that this can happen in a place such as Murrieta/Temecula. But I guess nowhere is really safe anymore.
If you see anything, hear anything, know anything, please contact the Riverside County Sheriff's Dept. The contact number is on the flyer - click the foto to enlarge it. And please pray and post this to your fb, blog, website, etc. Time is of the utmost essence in such cases.
Brought to YOU by onHISturf - dvp at 04:54 0 comments
Wednesday, 26 August 2009
No Criminal Record
Well, the long wait is over. The results from the FBI background check came in the mail while we were on our road-trip. And the outcome? NO CRIMINAL RECORD. Now that the anxiety and apprehension is over, it 's kind of anti-climatic. I was kinda hoping to have at least SOMETHING on my rap sheet to post about. But boring as I am, I have no criminal record. Well, let me put it this way - I have no criminal record that the FBI knows about. Now, it doesn't mean that I DIDN'T participate in any criminal activity - it just means I wasn't caught! And it doesn't mean I am not a horrible sinner! Just one saved by grace. ;-)
Brought to YOU by onHISturf - dvp at 14:45 0 comments
No Criminal Record
Well, the long wait is over. The results from the FBI background check came in the mail while we were on our road-trip. And the outcome? NO CRIMINAL RECORD. Now that the anxiety and apprehension is over, it 's kind of anti-climatic. I was kinda hoping to have at least SOMETHING on my rap sheet to post about. But boring as I am, I have no criminal record. Well, let me put it this way - I have no criminal record that the FBI knows about. Now, it doesn't mean that I DIDN'T participate in any criminal activity - it just means I wasn't caught! And it doesn't mean I am not a horrible sinner! Just one saved by grace. ;-)
Brought to YOU by onHISturf - dvp at 02:45 0 comments
Tuesday, 25 August 2009
Happy Birthday Jesaiah!
Wow, we can't believe Jesaiah is 9 yrs old! Happy birthday young man! Or young whipper/snapper - whatever fits better. Here's a walk down memory lane...
I hate cameras!
Coffee. I need cooffeeee
Like my new hairdo?
Almost 9!
Brought to YOU by onHISturf - dvp at 15:24 0 comments
Happy Birthday Jesaiah!
Wow, we can't believe Jesaiah is 9 yrs old! Happy birthday young man! Or young whipper/snapper - whatever fits better. Here's a walk down memory lane...
I hate cameras!
Coffee. I need cooffeeee
Like my new hairdo?
Almost 9!
Brought to YOU by onHISturf - dvp at 03:24 0 comments
Friday, 21 August 2009
The Mother of All Road-trips!
Hey sorry we haven't posted much in the last few weeks. We have been on a couple of major road-trips. First, we drove to northern Cali to go camping with friends. One day after that, we piled the kids in the van and drove to Oklahoma to visit Becks' family. That was already almost 4,000 miles (6400 km) for both trips. Then two weeks after the Oklahoma trip, we climbed into the car again and are doing another 3,500 mile (5600 km) round-trip excursion! I think the kids are really tired of sitting in the car - I know I am! Anyways, we'll get more posts and fotos about the trips up when we get back. We're still on the last road-trip, but are on our last leg of it.
Brought to YOU by onHISturf - dvp at 19:29 0 comments
The Mother of All Road-trips!
Hey sorry we haven't posted much in the last few weeks. We have been on a couple of major road-trips. First, we drove to northern Cali to go camping with friends. One day after that, we piled the kids in the van and drove to Oklahoma to visit Becks' family. That was already almost 4,000 miles (6400 km) for both trips. Then two weeks after the Oklahoma trip, we climbed into the car again and are doing another 3,500 mile (5600 km) round-trip excursion! I think the kids are really tired of sitting in the car - I know I am! Anyways, we'll get more posts and fotos about the trips up when we get back. We're still on the last road-trip, but are on our last leg of it.
Brought to YOU by onHISturf - dvp at 07:29 0 comments
Saturday, 8 August 2009
FBI Background Check!?!
As part of our visa application for New Zealand, we have to have a police background check done for both me and Becks. Never having had this done before, nor ever having the need for it, I had no idea what that meant. I researched it, and found out that it is actually done through the FBI - yes, that's right, we're talking about the Federal Bureau of Investigation! When I think of the FBI, I think of crime-fighting agents who go after mobsters, gangsters; I think of the Witness Protection Program. I think of 'America's Most Wanted' and of weird creepy aliens (i.e. X-Files). The word 'missionary' doesn't quite come to mind when I think of the criminals that the FBI goes after!
So to have them do a background check on me was kinda unnerving. I spent a whole night thinking - ok, what have I done in my past? Was there anything that I did before I became a Christian that might show up on a background check? Have to admit, I didn't get much sleep that night! Not that I could remember anything, but just the fact that they're checking my background!
Anyways, we had to go to the local police station (a first for us - never been inside a police station) and get our fingerprints taken (also, a first). I have to admit I was a bit nervous - I kept thinking the whole time that I would look up on their bulletin board and see my mugshot and the words 'WANTED' stamped in red across my forehead. Alas, that wasn't the case, thank God!
So now the fingerprints are taken, have been sent to the FBI and now we wait. Oh how I hate waiting, especially for something like this....
PS - all info from our fingerprint foto above has been removed, and the prints themselves have been blurred. To protect the identity of the innocent. ;-)
Brought to YOU by onHISturf - dvp at 22:10 0 comments
FBI Background Check!?!
As part of our visa application for New Zealand, we have to have a police background check done for both me and Becks. Never having had this done before, nor ever having the need for it, I had no idea what that meant. I researched it, and found out that it is actually done through the FBI - yes, that's right, we're talking about the Federal Bureau of Investigation! When I think of the FBI, I think of crime-fighting agents who go after mobsters, gangsters; I think of the Witness Protection Program. I think of 'America's Most Wanted' and of weird creepy aliens (i.e. X-Files). The word 'missionary' doesn't quite come to mind when I think of the criminals that the FBI goes after!
So to have them do a background check on me was kinda unnerving. I spent a whole night thinking - ok, what have I done in my past? Was there anything that I did before I became a Christian that might show up on a background check? Have to admit, I didn't get much sleep that night! Not that I could remember anything, but just the fact that they're checking my background!
Anyways, we had to go to the local police station (a first for us - never been inside a police station) and get our fingerprints taken (also, a first). I have to admit I was a bit nervous - I kept thinking the whole time that I would look up on their bulletin board and see my mugshot and the words 'WANTED' stamped in red across my forehead. Alas, that wasn't the case, thank God!
So now the fingerprints are taken, have been sent to the FBI and now we wait. Oh how I hate waiting, especially for something like this....
PS - all info from our fingerprint foto above has been removed, and the prints themselves have been blurred. To protect the identity of the innocent. ;-)
Brought to YOU by onHISturf - dvp at 10:10 0 comments
Saturday, 25 July 2009
Find Your Purpose in Life in About 20 Minutes?!?!?
That title caught my eye today as I opened my browser to look up a few things online. It got me thinking (and yes, it did hurt, the thinking part I mean) about this topic again, especially since this is exactly what God was revealing to me over the last 2-3 months. Now you have to remember, that article above is from a worldly perspective, so I can't make any claims for it. If you want to read the whole article, follow this link. Basically the author purports that you can discover your life purpose by taking a sheet of paper, clearing your mind, writing down some short phrases that pop into your mind. Do this until a phrase makes you cry - this will be your purpose in life! Of course this seems very simplistic and idealistic and just downright hinky to me (and yes, 'hinky' is a word - look it up)! I am not saying it can't work, I just have my doubts as to its validity.
In any case, it got me to thinking about what my purpose in life is, or my calling as we believers will often say. What is my calling? What's yours? Do you know? Do you even WANT to know? Do you even care?!
For me it has been a 12-year process of God showing me step by step and piece by piece - much longer than 20 minutes! Of course I am not saying that it will take you 12 years to find out, but I think it will be a bit longer than 20 minutes. ;-)
Anyways, the two verses that made my calling and gifting clear to me are 1 Cor 3.5-8 and Titus 1.5. In that passage in 1 Cor 3, Paul writes to the Corinthians - 'I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase.' Then in Titus, he writes to him - 'For this reason I left you in Crete, that you should set in order the things that are lacking, and appoint elders in every city as I commanded you'. And that is the main focus for me/us in our ministry - not to plant churches or pioneer ministries like Paul. But to come in after someone like Paul and to water and set in order the things that are lacking, like Apollos or Timothy or Titus.
Now I have to admit, it was hard at first to accept. I wanted to be the Paul, the pioneer, the church-planter. Or at least try that out. But the more I prayed about it, the more it was obvious that it was mostly my flesh - I wanted the recognition, the fame. I wanted my name to be lifted up on high and admired. Being an Apollos or Titus or Timothy, your name is often just listed along with others. And that convicted me and humbled me - I wanted my name to be more recognized than the Lord's?!?! Wow, such fleshly pride! Who am I anyways, but an empty vessel for Him to use!
So now I am content and even excited to get a clear answer as to my/our calling in ministry and in life. And as I look back at the last 13 years of ministry, that is exactly how God has used and is using us. First in Germany, taking over as pastor of CC Freiburg, then while in SoCal, taking over as pastor in the Spanish Ministry here at CC Murrieta. And now, as we are taking steps to move to New Zealand and to take over a Calvary that was planted 5 years ago. I'll share more about New Zealand in the next post, but let me end with the rest of the passage from 1 Cor 3...
So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase. Now he who plants and he who waters are one, and each one will receive his own reward according to his own labor (v7-8, my emphasis).
to be continued...
Brought to YOU by onHISturf - dvp at 23:52 0 comments
Labels: davey, dienst/ministry
Find Your Purpose in Life in About 20 Minutes?!?!?
That title caught my eye today as I opened my browser to look up a few things online. It got me thinking (and yes, it did hurt, the thinking part I mean) about this topic again, especially since this is exactly what God was revealing to me over the last 2-3 months. Now you have to remember, that article above is from a worldly perspective, so I can't make any claims for it. If you want to read the whole article, follow this link. Basically the author purports that you can discover your life purpose by taking a sheet of paper, clearing your mind, writing down some short phrases that pop into your mind. Do this until a phrase makes you cry - this will be your purpose in life! Of course this seems very simplistic and idealistic and just downright hinky to me (and yes, 'hinky' is a word - look it up)! I am not saying it can't work, I just have my doubts as to its validity.
In any case, it got me to thinking about what my purpose in life is, or my calling as we believers will often say. What is my calling? What's yours? Do you know? Do you even WANT to know? Do you even care?!
For me it has been a 12-year process of God showing me step by step and piece by piece - much longer than 20 minutes! Of course I am not saying that it will take you 12 years to find out, but I think it will be a bit longer than 20 minutes. ;-)
Anyways, the two verses that made my calling and gifting clear to me are 1 Cor 3.5-8 and Titus 1.5. In that passage in 1 Cor 3, Paul writes to the Corinthians - 'I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase.' Then in Titus, he writes to him - 'For this reason I left you in Crete, that you should set in order the things that are lacking, and appoint elders in every city as I commanded you'. And that is the main focus for me/us in our ministry - not to plant churches or pioneer ministries like Paul. But to come in after someone like Paul and to water and set in order the things that are lacking, like Apollos or Timothy or Titus.
Now I have to admit, it was hard at first to accept. I wanted to be the Paul, the pioneer, the church-planter. Or at least try that out. But the more I prayed about it, the more it was obvious that it was mostly my flesh - I wanted the recognition, the fame. I wanted my name to be lifted up on high and admired. Being an Apollos or Titus or Timothy, your name is often just listed along with others. And that convicted me and humbled me - I wanted my name to be more recognized than the Lord's?!?! Wow, such fleshly pride! Who am I anyways, but an empty vessel for Him to use!
So now I am content and even excited to get a clear answer as to my/our calling in ministry and in life. And as I look back at the last 13 years of ministry, that is exactly how God has used and is using us. First in Germany, taking over as pastor of CC Freiburg, then while in SoCal, taking over as pastor in the Spanish Ministry here at CC Murrieta. And now, as we are taking steps to move to New Zealand and to take over a Calvary that was planted 5 years ago. I'll share more about New Zealand in the next post, but let me end with the rest of the passage from 1 Cor 3...
So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase. Now he who plants and he who waters are one, and each one will receive his own reward according to his own labor (v7-8, my emphasis).
to be continued...
Brought to YOU by onHISturf - dvp at 11:52 0 comments
Labels: davey, dienst/ministry