Sunday, 23 December 2007

Please Pray

Over the last 2-3 weeks, we have gone through a lot of sicknesses that has just bogged us down. First we had a bout of stomach flu - although it was only Taliah and Zachariah. Then the kids got chickenpox a couple weeks ago - Jesaiah first, then Becks' niece visiting from Australia, then Taliah and lastly Zachie (and he was even immunized already!). In between all that Taliah got another bout of stomach flu. Then Becks' sister got a major flu and she was out of commission for 3 days (she and her daughter had to postpone their flight back to Oz for 5 days because of the chickenpox and flu).

Now the two younger kids - Zachie and Dariah have had fevers for 3 days now, then Taliah joined in on the fun so Becks took them to the emergency room/urgent care. Taliah and Dariah have upper respiratory infections. Not wanting to be the only one left out on all this, I joined them with bronchitus (we think) for the last 4 days. All this during the busy Christmas season, getting ready for furlough (we fly in 2 days!!!) and entertaining visitors. Oh well, that's life right?

Thanks for praying! We are looking forward to getting to the USA and just having some downtime for a few days before things speed up again.


Starrs In Denver said...

Downtime in Cali?!!! Good luck! But seriously, I'll be praying for you all to get and stay healthy asap and that the flight(s) will be better than you could dream of! Enjoy your time in Cali...that condo is such a blessing :)
~Rose and the fam