Saturday, 27 December 2008

To All a Blessed CHRISTmas!

I just got this song from the parents of my godchild in Germany. They are musicians and wrote this song based on the real meaning of CHRISTmas - Immanuel, God with us. The text is a summary of Luke 2 and Matthew 2, talking about Jesus the Son of God coming to earth as a little baby and how the shepherds left everything to come to worship Him and how the wise men from far away followed the star to Bethlehem to bring gifts to Him.

I normally am not the sentimental, mushy type around Christmas time, but this song truly touched my heart. It is a beautiful and artistic reminder of what Christmas is really about - Immanuel. Thanks Kaufmanns for this awesome song!

The fotos are of Becks's olive wood nativity set/collection - it's a tradition with us that I get her a new piece or two every Christmas (we've been collecting them for a few years as you can tell). They come from the Christmas market in Freiburg, Germany (thanks to Jacque for this year's piece!).

Enjoy the song (sorry the text is only in German, but read Luke 2 and Matthew 2 and you got the idea!).