Sunday, 22 November 2009


(click foto to enlarge)

Three weeks ago, the three older kids have been doing karate at a local studio. The neat part about it is that it is a Christian run by Christians so they do not go into the whole spiritual side of martial arts. Well, I should say, they do go into the spiritual side, but from the Christian perspective.

The kids all have monthly memory verses they must learn and practice. In order to move onto the next belt or degree, they must not only be proficient in their karate moves, but also must show proficiency in the Word of God. And in their attitudes - they must show respect, courtesy, integrity, etc. Way cool. It's basically a discipleship program!

Too bad that we didn't start them sooner - they will only be in this program until we leave for NZ. Some of their friends have been in this program for years. But they are enjoying it tremendously. Thanks to the instructors at the studio for their care and love for the kids!