Sunday, 9 May 2010

Field Trip

The kids have each had at least one field trip with school so far this year. Both of the older kids went to an art exhibit of sculptures set up in the Civic Gardens here in Lower Hutt. They enjoyed it so much that they asked to go back, so I took all four kids one afternoon before the exhibit left. When they went with their classes they only got to see a few of the sculptures so we spent more time and looked at everything. There were some really cool ones. All of them were made by New Zealand artists. It is my understanding that they do this this exhibit, with different sculptures of course, every year. It is
called 'Shapeshifters' and it is designed to be an outdoor exhibit. I will share a few of our favourites here...

This is a Norfolk Pine and the star is how the branches grow on the inside... pretty cool!

I believe this one was called 'peace'. It's hard to tell in this picture, but she is holding a dove. The sculpture is made of terra cotta.

This is a fern leaf made with plastic stretched back and forth over the grass. The fern is New Zealand's national symbol.

These were little glass flowers.

These were big glass flowers. Notice the caterpillar, also glass...

There were many more, too many to post here...