Just got back from Poland this week - have to say this was the best trip I had ever been on. Learned so much about what it means to count the cost of following Jesus. Perhaps we have taken it for granted or too lightly. Too often we hear that if we just believe in Jesus, everything will be better! Marriages will be restored, depressions will fade away, hurts will healed, wrinkles will smooth out, love handles will disappear and all our life problems will be solved. Now, don't get me wrong, I truly believe God can do all these things (well, maybe not the wrinkles and love handles part!) - I've seen it and experienced it!
But all too often when we share the Gospel, we focus just on the benefits we receive when we accept Jesus into our life. As if He were some magic potion we rub on when things irritate us and life just isn't going 'our way'. But how often do we hear about the cost of becoming a true follower of Jesus. In fact, the authors of all 4 gospels thought it such an important topic that they all included Jesus' teaching on this cost.The believers in Poland were such an inspiration to me - they truly must count the costs in very real ways when they decide for Jesus. Because Poland is very traditionally Catholic, they face ostracism and rejection from friends and family and possibly even excommunication. I met one young man, T., who had recently counted the cost and decided to follow Jesus. His family had rejected him and even forbade him from their home. But oh, what a heart for Jesus this young man has - a truly on-fire, servant's heart. It was a privilege for me to see him being baptized during the retreat. Although it was a symbolic act of obedience, it was for him also a real act of dying to self as he counted the cost daily!
Let us all count the cost everyday - it is part of being a disciple! Let us deny ourselves, pick up our cross daily and follow Jesus our Lord and Savior!
Saturday, 12 May 2007
Cost of Discipleship
Brought to YOU by onHISturf - dvp at 02:17
Labels: andacht/devo, dienst/ministry
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So true David...when I face opposition or things start to not go my way, I find myself whining...why me? why are You letting things get like this God? I get self focused and angry or depressed forgetting that my life here was never promised to be free of turmoil, attack, illness or frusteration... I forget that we are pilgrims, in a battle, that this is not our home...just passing through and it's all about our perspective when going through trials...who do I look to? God or myself? It's not easy, but those times are when we really grow!
Thanks for sharing!
hi rose,
yep, every time i start whining, complaining, get frustrated or upset, god says to me - 'david come up here for a minute, take a look from my perspective, see what i want to do in you and thru you. it all has a rhyme and reason - you might not see it, david, you might not understand it, but david, can you accept it? and trust me?'
then of course all i can do is shut up and rejoice!
'...let us run the with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus...'
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