Then He [God] brought us OUT from there [Egypt],
that He might bring us IN, to give us the land
which He swore to our fathers.
Deut 6.23 (my emphasis)
This past week, I have been going through Deuteronomy as part of my daily Bible reading and this verse really spoke to me. M
I sat there for about 15 minutes just thinking about this verse and what it means to us today. Isn’t this exactly what God does for all who call upon the name of Jesus Christ? Think about how this applies to our salvation…
He brings us out of sin and in to forgiveness.
He brings us out of darkness and in to light.
He brings us out of self-righteous works and in to amazing grace.
He brings us out of the old and in to the new.
He brings us out of death and in to life.
He brings us out of fear and in to faith.
He brings us out of constant striving and in to rest.
He brings us out of turmoil and in to peace.
He brings us out of rejection and in to adoption.
He brings us out of uncertainty and in to assurance.
He brings us out of the world and in to His Kingdom.
He brings us out of Hell and in to Heaven.
And the list goes on and on and on….
Take a moment and think about what God has done for you; that He brought you out of ______ so He could bring you in to __________. You fill in the blanks!
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