Thursday, 14 February 2008

Happy 6th Birthday Taliah!

Last week (06.Feb) Taliah turned a big whopping 6 years old! She was soooo excited because now she has to pay when she rides on the streetcars (kids under 6 don't have to pay). It was her transition from little kid to BIG kid. I wasn't so excited - now we gotta pay for her AND Jesaiah when they ride!!!

Momma made 2 cakes - one for her kindergarten group as they had a little party for her. And one for us at home - we just had a quiet, family birthday party. Nothing big, but very special. She got a pretty pink princess dress-up dress and a pink toy 'handy' (German for cellphone). Can you tell that pink is her favorite color??? We can't believe how fast these kids are growing up! Next it will be real handys and real make-up and real 'in' clothing and real drivers licenses and real guys (not in my lifetime!!).

Oh well, you gotta let them go sometime I guess. But knowing that God has them always in HIS hands is comforting at least.


Anonymous said...

wow, she is beautiful. happy birthday both for her and Becky!!!

onHISturf - dvp said...

yep, takes after her momma!

Rose Starr said...

Um, yeah, good thing she's got two brothers to help watch over her when she gets older...what a sweetie!