Sunday, 24 August 2008

More 'Dream' Jobs

So here are a few more interesting jobs out there. I think it would be kinda fun to get to do some of these jobs. And get paid for it at the same time!

1. Fingerprint Analyst - unfortunately I couldn't apply for this very interesting job. I didn't have a degree in Fingerprint Analysis. Yes, you read that right, there is a degree for Fingerprint Analysis. I know you parents with little kids are probably thinking right now - hey, that Fingerprint Analysis course might come in handy when I ask my little ones 'who broke the vase?' or 'who ate the last cookie outta the cookie jar'! Now you can just analyze the fingerprints left at the scene and catch the culprit!

2. Power-Spraywasher - another interesting one I applied for. You work at night, powerspraying sidewalks, gas station ceilings (when was the last time you looked up at the ceiling in a gas station!?!?), driveways, certain buildings, etc. Maybe I can bring the kids along and powerspray them - much better than baths. And faster too!

3. Survey-Taker - you get paid to surf the internet and take online surveys! That sounds too good to be true. It is. You can do it, but you have to pay first to sign up for their 'program' and then they'll send you the surveys.

Oh well, the hunt for a job continues. I'll keep you posted on what's out there. And maybe, just maybe I'll get to analyze your fingerprint or power spray you! So stay clean, be good, keep your hand outta the cookie jar and pray.


beckwanda said...

hey what about a secret shopper? i think costco pays people to shop and evaluated the store.
i bet that would be fun. not outside though. did you look at the dept of forestry?