Thursday, 21 June 2007

Aaaarhh, Matey!

Avast, matey - here's an interesting 'how-to' - 'How to Talk Like a Pirate'. It's something that I always wanted to know, and now I do!

In fact, there is a whole day set aside to talking like a pirate! September 19th of every year is 'International Talk Like A Pirate Day' - check out the webiste here.

And if you really wanna get into it - there's a 'Talk Like A Pirate' song - get the mp3 here.

Let me recap the 9 steps to sounding like a pirate on the high seas. Let's see if you've got pirattitude...

1. Growl and scowl often
2. Use pirate lingo
3. Gesture with your hands frequently
4. Always run words together
5. Never use 'you' or 'you're' - ever
6. Embellish at will
7. Refer to yourself as 'me' at all times - never 'I'
8. Mutter unintelligibly unless when yelling
9. Be as loud as humanly possible

When you think about it, this is EXACTLY how a 2 year old talks! Anyone who knows our 2-and-a-half year old Zachie would agree with me - he's got the whole piratey attitude going, let me tell ya!

Well, I think I know what the theme for our next staff meeting is going to be - 'Talk Like A Christian Pirate'! Arrrrrhhh, me hearties! Git yer sea-legs on, we's headin' out on a shor'-term missions plunderin' trip, yer lilly land-lubber! Shiver me timbers! Yo-ho!