Wednesday, 3 October 2007

Yellow Power!

Well, I think I found my long lost Asian brother! Ok, maybe I'm being a bit dramatic, but check this out - I was just clicking through to read a few other blogs and came across a blog of ANOTHER Pham boy who is a MISSIONARY to Lima, Peru (but in Costa Rica now to learn Spanish). Not only that, but his 'Phamily' is very similar to ours - 4 kids, similar in ages to ours. In fact, there are quite a few similarities. Now what are the chances of that?!

Isn't it amazing to see the fingerprints of God on our lives? Anyways, take a peek over at their blog - Say hello (leave a comment or sign their guestbook if you want) and pray for them as they begin this adventure called missionary life!


Starrs In Denver said...

So funny! It's amazing...down to two girls and two boys! Love it!

beckwanda said...

i just said hi on their blog.
we have been to lima. trippy.
there are phams all over the place!!!!

Anonymous said...

Another weird thing is the mom looks really phamiliar!!!

onHISturf - dvp said...

yeah, pretty amazing, but hey,that's our god isn't it?!