Wednesday, 25 July 2007

Dalai Lama Coming to Freiburg

This coming weekend, the Dalai Lama is coming to Freiburg to dedicate the new Buddhist house and to speak at the Uni on the topic of 'Science and Spirituality'. Hmmm....

Well, just be praying that believers here in Freiburg would be able to stand strong against the subtle attacks of the enemy as he brings lies into our midst. What the Dalai Lama and others teach all sounds soooo good - peace, unity, spirituality. And people in these last days have itching ears (2Tim 4.1-5) - they don't want to hear about sin, repentance forgiveness nor Jesus. They just want to hear 'peace, unity, we're all one, we should all accept one another and just get along. There is no absolute truth, we are all gods.' These are the lies the enemy is feeding people in these last days. So pray, pray and pray some more.